Friends With Benefits

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One hour and my shift was over, I couldn't wait to get home. I had only been working here for a few days and already I was starting to hate the sight of the place. Saying that, work wasn't too bad I mean today I was on a shift with Beau so I had him to keep me entertained. Tonight it was his turn to lock up the shop. Since working here, I had learned that Beau lives in the same area as me.

"Hey honey, me and your dad are going out tonight and going to stay at a hotel for the night. There's money for a delivery and stuff. love you xx" The text from my mom read.

I had invited Beau to stay the night, we had became quite close friends since we met. After he had locked the shop up, we walked home arm in arm laughing and joking. It wasn't long before we arrived at my house. We had decided to watch Friends With Benefits as it is my favourite film.

Not long into the film, Beau was starting to get wrestless and was only half-paying-attention. He gently placed his hand on my thigh and kept his eyes locked to the screen. I turned round sharply and stared at him with emoition-less eyes, he edged round to look at me then returned his attention to the screen as did I.

His hand had began to creep further up my thigh and was now resting at the waistband of my jeans. He fidgeted with the button for a while before finally getting it un-done then slipped his hands under and left them sitting on-top of my underwear. His touch was enough to make me melt but instead of giving in I decided that two could play at that game. So I rested my hand on his crotch and started to slowly rub him through his pants. Biting his lip, he grasped my hand and forced it down his trousers and boxers. I liked this side of him and decided not to tease him anymore, Slowly I went to work. Encouraged by his quiet moans i moved myself down and positioned my head slightly above his member, he entangled his fingers in my hair and gently pushed me down onto him...

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