Second try

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Felix didn't get any sign or reply from Changbin the following days. He started to wonder if Hyunjin had lied just to scare him. When he found the man he was thinking about on the way to the dance studio, Felix decided to take a chance.

"Changbin hyung," he dared, not caring about the fact Changbin didn't allow him to use the affectionate title. "Did you, maybe, get a note?" he asked, not brave enough to call it anything else.

Changbin didn't answer. In fact, he didn't even stop his steps and completely ignored Felix. Deceived, Felix rushed after him and tried to call his attention on him without success.

He gripped Changbin's arm and sent him an imploring gaze. His fingers clenched, leaving a red mark on the elder's bare arm. Without thinking, he let his thumb run on his skin to ease the spot he still didn't release. At his unexpected action, Changbin's jaw clenched and he pulled back his arm. Closing his eyes, he seemed to gather his energy and took a deep breath.

"Why do you do that to me?" Changbin spat.

"What?" Felix was lost... completely lost.

"I understand you want to keep thing cordial because of Chan, but don't you think it's hard for me?"

"I... I don't understand... why are you acting like that?"

"I don't know if this pity or guilt or whatever, but please give me some time and don't come close," he asked, his voice broken and low at the end of his imploring sentence.

"... what? Why do you talk to me like I killed your cat or something! I'm just trying to be nice!" Felix defended himself, even if he wasn't sure about what.

"Don't think I don't know. I was there, I was waiting to..." Changbin winced and ignored the feeling growing at the memory, "I saw," he spat as if this single thing was the explanation for the whole discussion.

"Saw what?"

The gaze Changbin sent him to answer his question was probably the most murderous Felix had ever received. Even more lost, Felix frowned and worry grew in him.

"Surprise~" Changbin singsonged bitterly, irony strong in his voice.

"But I don't get what happened."

Shocked and anxious with his own thinking, Felix opened his mouth to say something. What, he didn't know, but he had to say something. He needed to explain. He knew his behaviour was often mistaken, but it couldn't be! A weird kind of fear appeared on his face and he closed his mouth to open it again. Talk, talk, he kept telling himself, but no word came out.

"Don't tell me you don't understand Lee Felix, you're smart enough to make the link. Don't you think it was enough to crush my hope as you did? I was really too stupid to believe Chan," he scolded himself after a short pause.

He couldn't understand. There was no explanation for Changbin's behaviour and everything he said seemed to make it even more confused. He didn't know what to think anymore. He couldn't imagine HE had a thing for Chan, could he?? What else could he have seen to make him so upset?

"That's my mistake, I shouldn't have hoped so much from some random talks, but you knew how much my works mean to me and you didn't care. So now, can you at least be fair and let me heal in peace?"

"I didn't..." Felix started and stopped, not knowing what he could say to solve a situation he didn't grab fully.

He looked at Felix in a condescending way and scoffed before he turned away. Just like that, in a few seconds, he left. Felix barely had time to see him stroke his face, as if to erase the pain and he disappeared.

His thoughts were brushed as fast as Changbin left. The space beside him remained empty, his heart too. He felt hurt, shaken, but he didn't even know why it hit him so strongly. They didn't get time to clear the matter between them and Felix started to think he better stay away from Changbin.

Changbin hated him. Maybe it had a reason, maybe he just couldn't stand him, he thought then. It happened. He knew that, so why did it hurt so much? He asked to himself with a hand on his little throbbing heart.

For once, Hyunjin had been wrong. It could get worse. It just did.

Who cares about Romance anyway?! [ChangLix] (Shortfic/completed)Where stories live. Discover now