Friendship goal

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(a longer chapt to make up for the very short one before)


At university, Changbin was quite known. Not exactly popular, yet it was hard to find someone who didn't know who he was. ("Oh, this art guy!") Changbin wasn't a bad boy, but the cool-distant-art-boy with tattoos and perfect fashion's image stuck to him.

He was studying visual arts and fitted perfectly the style of the laconic artist. Most of the time, he was painting and when he was not, he was writing or simply daydreaming. He really liked his studies and it made him more touching somehow.

Changbin's sexuality was far from being a mystery. He wasn't showing off and was pretty discreet about his relationships, but didn't hide either. He received hate from some very dumb close-minded assh*les (Felix wasn't the one telling that, even though he had to agree) but it wasn't any bother most of the time.

In his three years at the university, he had been in a relationship twice (from what people knew at least) and it was enough for everybody to know he swung both ways.

Felix, on the other hand, was the more classical kind of guy. Despite his excessive romanticism, Felix had to confess he felt like a typical boring guy. He wore the first clothes he founded in his closet in the morning (when he remembered how to start a washing machine) and his sportswear the other half. He liked to dance and went to the university because he didn't know what else to do. He chose foreign studies by default. He was already fluent in English and it gave him time to study Korean better. He didn't care much about the assignment, but he managed to do it and it was enough for him.

Even if he was called sensitive or naïve by some people, almost everybody liked Felix and Felix had always liked everybody. Felix was friendly and except recently with Seo Changbin, he could proudly say he was in good terms with everybody.

Seo Changbin was quite distant with people but never rude, except with people who were openly discriminating him. Felix wasn't one of them, far from it, then why did he give him the cold shoulder?

From his unusual behaviour and fashion to his face, Felix liked everything about the boy. Everything he did pique Felix's interest. He couldn't exactly point out why it just was. He used to enjoy their simple talks and observe him from afar and was sad to have his tiny hope crushed.

"I think Seo Changbin doesn't like me," Felix said to Hyunjin the next day, in the middle of their lunch break.

"Possible," Hyunjin shrugged, uncaring and took another full spoon of his rice.

"But why?" Felix whined, letting his head fall against his stretched arms on the table.

Hyunjin looked at him with an eyebrow raised. He didn't know why Felix suddenly came up with this, but it wasn't his first time hearing about Changbin either. Even if he didn't personally know Seo Changbin, Hyunjin knew enough to follow the discussion, if he wanted to.

"I don't know," he shrugged. "Why should I know anyway? It happens."

"But... everybody likes me..." Felix pouted again, trying his best to look like a beaten puppy.

Hyunjin faked to gag and shook his whole body to suppress the shivers he pretended to feel. Felix straightened and pouted more, crossing his arms on his chest, but Hyunjin ignored him, the way he did it so well.

"Not everybody," He corrected. "First, I don't like you," he said and stopped a short time to take another full mouth of food. "I just don't know why you keep walking around me all the time."

"You're mean!" Felix protested weakly, too used to his friend's teasing to be hurt so easily. "That's not what I mean."

Felix fell back against the table. Head against the wood next to his barely touched food and his arms dangling by his side, Felix sighed. Hyunjin looked at him intrigued, surprised his friend didn't try to reply back.

Who cares about Romance anyway?! [ChangLix] (Shortfic/completed)Where stories live. Discover now