Simple warning

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Constantly ignoring Hyunjin's accusation, Felix continued to greet Changbin every time he had the chance. He knew he had to do something else but hesitated a lot about what to do. Finally, it took him an entire month to decide he should have a little conversation with Chan.

He didn't want to, at first, thinking it wasn't his role to tell about Changbin's feelings, but now, he knew he couldn't avoid the topic for too long. Chan already mentioned a few times how he was not acting like usual. He knew him too much for him to be able to keep a secret like this one.

"What is going on with you lately?" Chan asked him, giving him the perfect opportunity.

Already giving up before any fight, Felix sighed, a bit anxious.

"It might be a bit weird, hyung..." he started.

Not so surprised or bothered by this start, Chan nodded and waited expectantly for his roommate to continue. He was used to him acting weird for small matters, due to his innocent romanticism and his care for small things. He didn't worry too much about it and tried to be patient for his explanation.

"I think Changbin likes you," Felix stated blankly.

"What?!" Chan exclaimed surprised and amused at the same time.

Stopping his steps, he turned toward his roommate. He clearly did not believe it and it felt like some kind of Felix-like joke. His reaction made the younger frown a bit. He tried his best to show how serious he was and the fact that he actually believed it made it even funnier for Chan.

"I think Changbin Likes you," Felix repeated, accentuating the taboo word.

"Where do you get this from?" Chan laughed.

This time, Felix pouted. The teasing between them was always innocent, but no matter the reason or who it was, he hated when he wasn't taken seriously.

"Stop laughing and believe me hyung!" he scowled.

"Felix... you don't know Changbin well so you misunderstand his behaviour but..."

Without ending his sentence, Chan chuckled again and started to walk again. Still visibly amused, he shook his head and sighed.

"Ah, I wonder what gave you this idea."

"I'm not kidding," Felix said again, "I noticed."

"Changbin only cares about his drawings and if there's one person he cares about more than that, it's clearly not me... I'm older than him and this guy barely has any respect for me."

"Don't believe me if you don't want to," Felix cut him with a groan, unhappy.

"That's not what I mean."

"I don't care," the younger said offended.

He had hoped his roommate could understand that. He always understood everything. Why couldn't he believe? They were friends. He should know when he was telling the truth. Suddenly feeling sad, he looked down at his feet and decided to ignore his hyung all the way home.

"Believe me, you're mistaken," Chan said firmly. "Changbin and I are just close friends. He wouldn't mislead you, he's not that kind of guy," he reassured.

Felix wasn't reassured. He didn't even know what Chan wanted to reassure him for. It's not like Changbin had shown off he liked Chan on purpose, friends or not.

"There's nothing bad about liking a friend!" he defended Changbin.

"Of course not, that's not what I mean, he..."

"He probably suffers a lot too! You don't know what it's like!" If even Chan didn't believe him, then nobody would.

Chan sighed and shook his head. Could this kid be more stupid innocent? It seemed that one of them missed some information somewhere. I couldn't tell he knew everything for sure, but Chan was pretty sure Felix was the oblivious one.

"I don't really get what happened and why you're so worked up, but you should try to talk to him and you'll see," he added softly, not laughing any more.

From his spot far in front, Felix scoffed. And there Chan thought he knew everything about Changbin. It was easy for him to say he should talk to Changbin, he tried often enough but the other did not let him and he didn't know what to do to approach him. As if Felix hadn't already Try, he thought bitterly.

In spite of Chan's saying and his own self-persuasion, Felix was still convinced Changbin Liked Chan Very Much. He was also more convinced than ever that he had to discuss this with Changbin and no one else so they could solve their misunderstanding. Maybe then, Changbin would trust him. Since he was close to Chan, he could offer his support. Everybody needed support about their crush.

Who cares about Romance anyway?! [ChangLix] (Shortfic/completed)Where stories live. Discover now