First try

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After that very interesting discussion with Hyunjin – which ended with Felix pinching Hyunjin for being unhelpful who then promised to make his life like hell (a promise Felix ignore with a shrug "you already make my life like hell" he had said, not thinking his words one bit) – Felix decided he needed to clear the situation.

By that, he meant he had to check if Changbin really liked his hyung and why he hated him. If Changbin hated him because he was taking too much of Chan's time, then, Felix needed a way to change that. He couldn't let it be without doing anything.

He was convinced he could be in good terms with Changbin once they would manage to talk. After all, it was clearly a misunderstanding. He never criticized him or his paintings, unlike some other students, so he was safe on this side. Changbin could Not hate him for no reason. He just had to remind him that.

His main problem, for now, was that he needed to get closer to him if he wanted to talk about the situation clearly. If Changbin really held a grudge against him because he had feelings for his friend, Felix couldn't simply go to him "Hi~ I think you have a crush on my roommate, but no worry, even if it breaks my heart, I won't interfere!".

No matter how open Changbin was on his sexuality, he might not want to share his feelings for Chan. Let alone to talk about them with his love interest's roommate who he barely talked with. Let alone, that he might get pissed by Felix's assumptions if -luckily- he didn't Like Chan.

With this in mind, Felix made his plan - "Is this a plan? Seriously?" Hyunjin commented – to get a brand new friendly start with Seo Changbin even if he had to forget his own crush for that.

His so-called plan was rather simple in fact: he would to get straight to Changbin, talk to him about university or art or whatever and force him to befriend each other. With how often he was over Chan and Felix's apartment, it might not be too difficult. Their place was small and he wouldn't have a lot of places to hide in.

Unexpectedly, when Felix decided to try, Changbin started to come less and less often at the apartment. As if he had read his mind and planned to break his plan. He who was there almost every day, greeting Felix quietly when he was coming home before leaving the roommates' flat, started to come only once a week. It seemed also way more difficult to meet him anywhere around the campus. He was a lot more in the painting studio, no longer went to the cafeteria for lunch and somehow seemed to be hiding from the world.

Or maybe it was just Felix's imagination, yet he was sure he used to see Changbin around more.

Still, he found him one day, alone, as he waited for God-knows-what (or who) near the gymnasium.

"Hello~" Felix greeted as soon as he reached him after a short run.

The first thing he noticed was how confused Changbin looked. The mumble he heard after seemed to be a greeting as well – or at least it was what Felix wanted to believe. It was not much, but Felix was convinced it was a good re-start.

"Need help?" he asked politely, doing his best to start a – normal – conversation.

"No," Changbin simply answered.

"Are you looking for something?" Felix tried again, hopeful.

With uneasiness, Changbin turned his eyes away and muttered another "No," not as firm as the previous one. Looking through the room without taking a glance at Felix, Changbin cleared his throat.

"I... thank you. I've to go," he said, clearly trying to keep the distance Felix wished to diminish.

He left without waiting for an answer and Felix's eyes followed him. He had never really felt left out, Chan always did his best to avoid that since he arrived in Korea. However, with Changbin's behaviour toward him, he understood how hard it could be to make new friends.

Starting then, he started to pop up every place Changbin was at. Not that he wanted to interfere with his and Chan's relationship, not at all. He just wanted to show him that he was no threat. According to the cold looks Changbin kept sending him, it wasn't working well, but Felix wasn't a man to give up easily.

Usually, Changbin was with friends or acquaintances and Felix didn't dare to bother him too much – afraid it would bring even more hate. Hopefully, even if he was quite popular, Changbin wasn't always surrounded and tend to be loner some days.

Then, it became almost a daily routine to look for Changbin and greet him gently as if he was just randomly passing by. Despite Hyunjin telling him how unnatural it seemed, Felix didn't stop. He was kind of stubborn and didn't want to stop before reaching his goal. Even though, it felt more complicated than he first imagined it to be.

Days later, it was already 1 PM and Chan and Felix planned to have lunch together. On Thursday, they both ended the lecture at the same time and had a bit more time to eat than usual. It became slowly a habit and decided it would be a day they would meet for lunch.

As usual, Felix and Hyunjin were talking, waiting for Chan to arrive. He was slightly late and – of course – Felix kept reminding everybody for one mile around how hungry he was. When they noticed him talking loudly with Changbin, they understood fast.

Seemingly, something very funny happened during their lecture and both were laughing out loud about it. Changbin, in particular, seemed to be out of breath, his laugh hidden behind his hand as he leaned against Chan for support.

Unwillingly, Felix pouted as he watched them.

"He really likes hyung, right?" Felix asked, but Hyunjin wasn't sure the question was directed to him. "He's glowing when they're together."

When he didn't receive any answer after one minute of silence, Felix turned to send a glance at his friend. Hyunjin was immobile, looking at him with this awkward glimmer in his eyes, between teasing and curiosity.

"What?" Felix asked defensively, feeling something wrong in the way his friend was looking at him.

Right away, Hyunjin's lips twisted into a smirk, happy for no reason. Felix felt even more frightened. He hated when Hyunjin had this smartass expression on his face. He was guaranteed to be teased a lot after that.

"Why does it seem to bother you so much? Didn't you tell me yesterday your crush was already behind you and you just wanted the best for him?"

"It doesn't bother me!" Felix replied. "I'm just concerned. It's my hyung. I want him to be happy. That's why I want to know Changbin more before..." he explained. "Just before anything."

Hyunjin raised an eyebrow doubtfully, showing he was not falling for Felix's reasons. For some reasons, the older man didn't seem much more convinced either.

"Tsss, forget it, you stupid." Felix scowled, crossing his arms on his chest.

"And then you blush again~" Hyunjin singsonged teasingly when he noticed the new colour on Felix's cheeks.

Who cares about Romance anyway?! [ChangLix] (Shortfic/completed)Where stories live. Discover now