Would You Rather (Part 8: Brother Knows Best, So Listen to Brother)

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Would you rather:

(Sorry this one is short since, ya'know, I'm dead inside [Aka, tired].)

Have to work in Mycroft's spot or work as Mycroft's assistant?

Have to deal with Mycroft as your older brother or an annoying Sherlock? (So basically, are you willing to be Sherlock that deals with Mycroft or Mycroft that deals with Sherlock? [Oh god, the paperwork...])

Lock Mycroft in a room with Moriarty or Sebastian Moran? (Not good choices any day.)

Have Mycroft himself search your house or him send over a team? (Say you're in a spot similar to Sherlock and have to hide files.)

Have Mycroft as your brother or boss?

Have Mycroft's umbrella or Sherlock's scarf?

Live in a house stylized like Mycroft's or own his car?

Be Moriarty or Mycroft?

Have Mycroft's position of power or Lestrade's? (But you must do the work.)

Be part of Mycroft's team that deals with the 'dirty work' or be enemies with him? 

Have to oppose Moriarty but you have Mycroft's power or oppose Mycroft with Moriarty's resources? (I know there are a lot of Mycroft vs. Moriarty questions but they're both very powerful in their positions.)

Deal with Irene or Mycroft?

Deal with Sherlock or Mycroft?


I feel like we can shove Tony Stark in the Holmes' family tree, how would we be related to them? Cousin second-removed on the mother's side?

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