But Wayo don't gave a damn about it, instead he said. "P'Pha, I did trust you, but I don't want to sit my butt and do nothing, I will definitely revenge our entire family, this is not your fight, it's my fight."

Because of frustration and anger inside Phana, he kicked the hooligans who's lying unconscious at the ground, kicking it multiple times before he sighed deeply. Wayo saw his angry side for the first time, but he cannot let Phana do everything and send him to his own grave. "Okay.." Phana said, but obviously it wasn't okay for him. "Let's do it together then, but you must listen to me and never ever do such reckless move like that earlier." He warn him.

Wayo looked at his eyes and his eyes don't show any frightened emotions, showing how though he is. Because of this, Phana was pissed off again and blame it to the hooligans at the ground. Then Phana immediately notify his man to scattered around to the house and take this mess as soon as possible. His and including Dream fight side by side and take down many as they can, while Phana keeping his eyes on Wayo.

Wayo fearlessly run towards the fighting scene and jumped towards the hooligan with fist and immediately punched the hooligan face. Phana don't dare to let him be what he want and immediately followed up and guarded his back.

Fighting side by side and screaming sounds you can heard inside the house, Wayo was about to hit by hooligans at his back, Phana immediately noticed that and do a flying kick towards that man before he hit Wayo, Wayo noticed that and he was to full of himself and let down his guard.

Phana was furious with him, instead of scolding his wife, he put the blame all towards the hooligans and kicked they're ass much stronger.

Wayo noticed that how angry he was. A hooligan rush towards Phana but Wayo immediately help him, using a high kick towards the man face, with slacking sounds, the hooligan immediately fell in the ground.

Wayo rushed towards the leaving room where he can notice that Nate AKA Yiwha was standing there watching them fighting with her hooligans, you can see to her face house furious she was because she know that her man was loosing already. When Wayo entered at the  leaving room, he didn't notice that there's a person who's hiding at the side and immediately hit Wayo with a folding chair at his back, Wayo was hit at his back and immediately spit a mouthful of blood, he was also hit on the ground.

Wayo slowly looked up to see the man face, and he was stunned when he saw a familiar face. It was Cho, the police officer that friendly towards him. "You..*cough cough* why you.." Wayo can't believe that he was one of Yiwha man.

Cho smirked and said. "Right, I'm Yiwha man from very beginning, you're easy to fool you know."

"A slut was really easy to fool when a handsome man around him, what a pity." Yiwha added. "Finish him already."

Cho was about to hit Wayo face with folding chair, when Phana notice Wayo situation, he's eyes suddenly darkened, he immediately run towards Cho and do a jump kick, Cho was hit at his back and stumbled upon that.

Phana immediately pulled Wayo towards him and saw Wayo face with blood, he's anger inside him become more and more deeper like he wanted to kill someone because of that. He clenched his fist and run towards Cho.

Cho was a police officer and expert fighter too. Phana used his head towards him to pushed him to the wall, after he pushed him. Cho used his elbow to hit Phana's back a few times to let him go. Phana used his strength to carry him and throw him to the other side, Cho immediately stand up and fix his position, Phana glared at him and immediately rush without thinking, he throw a punch and Cho blocked it with his hand and kicked him, Phana was hit by him and stepped back a few steps.

Phana smirked, and felt the devil inside him awakened again. He rush again and do a different methods, after rushing he kicked him, but Cho immediately blocked it, tried to counter attack him by throwing a punch directly to his face, Phana knew he will do that, using that force he catch Cho hand and throw him to the ground.

Cho was throw at the ground and groaned in pain. Phana did not gave him time to recover and immediately send a kick towards his stomach, it was clear hit and Cho spit a mouthful of blood.

Yiwha notice that Cho already loosing, she immediately pulled the gun at her side and pointed to Wayo, Wayo can't move well and noticed that it was his end now. Phana saw it and before Pring pulled the trigger he jumped to block the shot and he was hit at his right shoulder.

"No!" Wayo shouted, and full forced to get up towards Phana and immediately helped him. Phana right shoulder was full of blood. "No.. no please.." Wayo cried when he saw how Phana save him. He felt that he will lose him too.

Yiwha laughing like witch and really enjoyed the scene. Wayo was really frightened again, he felt like everything is happening again like what happened to his parents. He glared at Yiwha who's busy at laughing at him.

"You evil bitch!" Wayo rush towards her and pushed her with his full force. Yiwha was pushed and stumbled back, the door at the leaving room towards the garden area was glass, she was hit at the glass and the glass shattered to pieces, her back was stabbed by glass at the door and the blade of glass trough to her stomach, with full of blood at her stomach and her mouth. Wayo was shocked too, he wasn't intended to killed her.

He stared down to his trembling hands and his eyes become teary. Cho saw it and he immediately run towards her, but Yiwha was lifeless already. Cho kneeled down and cried.

Dream came inside and saw this scene, he called out his man and called the police and ambulance for Phana.

To he continued.

Hotel star starting to film, can't wait to watch it

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Hotel star starting to film, can't wait to watch it.

I know I'm terrible author, I'm sorry for late update just that my mind plus school was blocking me to write. Thanks for waiting and supporting my fanfiction.

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