Dick Epilogue

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"I'm Dick Wayne-Grayson."

The golden eyes, and black haired man, who was Dick Grayson, sat in the den, reading.  Yells, and crashes were heard from upstairs, but Richard ignored them with great ease.

"My brother is Jason Wayne-Grayson"

'I got a call from Selina.'  Dick stated, looking over at his brother, Jason, across the table.  Said boy was frozen in mid action of taking a bite of his ceral.

'Anything you wanna tell me, little brother?'  Dick asked slyly.

'I love you?'


'Tim's fault?'


'Damians fault?'


'I love you?'

"My littlest brother is Timothy Wayne-Grayson."

'Where is the friggin coffee!?'  Tim screamed from the kitchen.

Dick hid his smirk from behind his mug of coffee, as did Jason, and Damian.

"My son is Damian Wayne-Grayson."

'Do I really have to attend this gala full of-'

'Do not finish that sentence, Damian.'  Dick interrupted,  sending a glare to the boys way.  'And yes, You do.  As we all do.'

'Todd does not.'  Damian muttered.

'Yeah, well he's legally dead.'

Damian smirked.  'It was a rather good idea.'


"I am the second Batman."

Smoke clouded the area, and only slight shifts could be seen within it.

'Its the bat!'

'Shoot em!'

'What the-!'

The fog cleared, and the dark knight stood tall, with the gunmen at his feet.

"I thought I would be used to surprises, but I was wrong.  You never get used to it, you just roll with it."

'Dick,' Jason called, as he walked into his brothers bedroom.  'The Batmobile is pink. Chill?'

Dick blinked, his mouth hanging open for a moment, before snapping shut.  'Chill.'

"Sometimes though, change isn't so bad..."

Dick woke quickly, but silently as he heard creaking floor boards, and soft foot steps from outside his doorway.  He heard his door knob turn, and his door ease open.

He turned to look over his shoulder, and spotted his adopted son, Damian, standing there, seemingly shy.

Dick proper himself on his elbow, and spoke up quietly.  'A dream?' He asked, knowing.  He had two little brothers that went- go- through the same thing.  Dick's just used to it.

Damian didn't respond, so Dick waved him over.

A few moments later, Damian was out like a light, using Dick as a pillow, who was out as well, with his arm around the boy protectively.

"Unless the Batmobile is pink."

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