Hunting | 5

959 54 11

Wayne Manor - 8:21 AM

It has been four days since the gang war, and since then, Damian has gotten a costume. The offical Robin suit. Along with that, he has been on more patrols with Nightwing, AKA, Dick Grayson.

Jason was arriving soon, about to spend another week end at the manor. Sat night, Dick had asked Damian if he wanted to go on a hunting trip with him and Todd, to which Damian agreed with.

So that was what they are doing now, at the edge of the woods, getting gear outta the truck. Damian had target practice with Dick two more times, the second involving cross bows, the third paint ball guns. Which had been... He must admit, a blast.

Jason grabbed his shot gun, and Dick grabbed his cross bow, and handed Damian a 22. Jason was looking for coyote, and Dick and Damian were going for Turkey.

They headed out, decked out in camo from hat to boots and bandanas. Todd took it super serious, whilst Dick was there to enjoy the time, and Damian was just trying something new.

Jason left to find one of the set ups near a old den he found last week, and Damian followed Dick toward a field in the center of the woods. Not huge, and a few trees in it, but the most open area.

They set up their spots. Dick on one side in a camo tent, Damian on the other side in some brush, on his stomach. Dick began to use the turkey caller, rubbing the stick on the disk, scraping it together and making it sound like a turkey.

They waited for about twenty minutes. Damian was getting irritated, and Dick was... collected, as he was most of the time.

Soon enough, the sound of a gobbler came from Dicks side, walking right past him. Two males and three females. "Take the left male, I'll get the right..." came the mumbled ordered through the walkie talkie.

Damian didn't respond, but followed. He gently raised his gun on its tri pod stand, aimed, and when he heard the quiet "Now.", he fired. Hitting his target, the turkey seemed to scream as it leaped up and flapped it's wings, before falling back to the ground and rolling.

Dick had hit his target as well. The arrow sticking out as the turkey kicked it's legs from where it lied. The females had already scattered after a moment. Damian saw Dick stand up in the distance. "WHOO!" He shouted, holding his bow up.

Damian snorted, before he stood up, and picked up his gun and put it on safety. Putting it on his back, and heading over to Dick and the turkeys.

"Nice shot, little wing!" Dick smiled. Joy beaming off him. Damian didn't notice the small smirk on his lips. Dick picked up the bird Damian had shot by the legs. "That's a nice one, too!" He added. He offered it to Damian, who accepted, holding it by the legs.

Dick went and got his. It was a bit smaller than Damians, and he suspected Dick planned that. "Let's get back to the truck and load it all together. See if Jay can beat this." He said, starting to walk through the tall weeds.


They finished putting the Turkey's on the back of the truck, and unloading their weapons and putting them away. They now sat on the tail gate, Damian drinking water, and Dick eating some chips.

Dick was about to bite I too another chip, when suddenly a scream echoed through the area.


Dick snorted and chuckled. "Jason got his Coyote. Thing has been playing with him for a month now. Never could outsmart it... till now." He told the boy beside him.

Damian rolled his eyes. "Outsmarted by a dog. Figures." He said, making Dick laugh again.

Wayne Manor - 12:00 PM

Jason had came back with his Coyote, which he named 'Roxy' for some reason. He loaded it up with the two birds, and the three teens talked for a bit, before leaving.

After they arrived back at the Manor, and unloaded, they sent Jason's Coyote to be stuffed, since he had a grudge with the thing and decided it would be his new trophy, and the birds to Alfred to be cooked.

Bruce had congratulated them, before leaving for some JLA business. Tim started to talk with Jason about to Coyote. Dick and Damian put the guns and bow on their cases and respective places.

Later, they had been called to dinner by Alfred. Who served his always amazing smoked Turkey. The four bots feasted, and laughed, Damian included, and told stories.

Missing at the head of the table was Bruce. As usual. However, the three older boys were used to it, and Damian was for once, distracted. Enjoying himself.

Dick phone goes off, and excuses himself from the table and goes to answer it in the lounge room.

"Dick, Bruce's down."

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