Beginnings | 1

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Third Person POV

Wayne Manor - 12:01 PM

Knock knock knock

The sound echoed around the large mansion of the Wayne family. The sound alerting everyone of a newcomer. Alfred Pennyworth, the British butler of the house hold, and good friend, opened one of the large doors, and saw nothing in front of him.


The butler looked down, a bit surprised, to see a young lad, perhaps close to thirteen, standing at the door step with a duffle bag and a sleek, smooth case for something else.

"How do you do, young sir. May I enquire to who you are?" Alfred asked, his accent and tone clean and flat.

"Damian Al Ghual." The youngling answered emotionlessly.

"Ah! We did not expect you so early, young sir! Allow me to help you with your luggage. I shall also inform Master Bruce of your arrival." The older man stated, taking hold of the lads duffle bag.

Once inside, the butler closed the large door behind Damian. "Master Bruce! We have a guest! Young Damian Al Gual!" He called.

A few moments after the call, the sharp looking man, Bruce Wayne, arrived within the open room. "Hello Damian. Didn't expect you here so early." He greeted.

"Father." The child tilted his head down in his own greeting.

Bruce looked to Alfred. "Alfred, if you could please, take Damians luggage upstairs and into his room." "Of course, sir."

Alred headed up the stairs, never wavering from the weight of the bag. Bruce looked back to Damian. "I want you to meet my adopted sons. I don't believe your mother may have ever mentioned them." He said.

Damian never faltered. "No, she only informed me of what she deemed necessary." He responded, to which the older Wayne nodded.

"Dick, Jason, Tim! Come down here for a moment, and meet Damian!" He called. His voice loud and clear. It demanded respect from all those who heard.

Soon, more foot steps came from the stairs, and three teenagers came down them. Then they stood beside Bruce.

"Boys, this is Damian. I've already told you the story. So you know he will being staying with us from now on." Bruce said, looking at the three.

Damian studied them intently. The first, had longish hair that was black, and he had light blue eyes. He was skinny yet lithe. He was the shortist of the three, but taller than him.

The second, had messy hair, but short. It was black with a white streak running through it, and he had green eyes. Strong build. He was taller than the first, and barely shorter than the final one.

The final one, was the tallest. Black hair to his shoulders, and deep, dark blue eyes. He was a little shorter than Damians father, Bruce. He had a strong build, but also lithe and lean.

"Introduce yourselves." Bruce said to the three.

The shortest one went first. "Tim Drake." He said, holding a hand to shake. Which Damian did not accept, so he put his hand back to his side.

"Jason Todd." The one with a white streak in his hair supplied. A curt nod this time, and not a hand shake.

"Dick Grayson." The tallest one said. No nod or shake. Simply standing there, shoulders back, and arms behind folded behind him.

A stance Damian Al Gual- soon to be Wayne- recognized, but didn't show that he did.

He also recognized the white streak in Todd's hair. One similar to the effect of the Lazarus Pit.

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