Laughter | 15

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Wayne Manor - 8:02 AM

Damian hurried down stairs, ready for breakfast. After Talia had fled, Batman and Robin continued into a normal patrol. They had called it a night around 2:46 AM, and went back to the cave.

Red Hood had gained burns and scortch marks from firefly. He acted as though it was everyone else's fault for the chatter in his comlink. Typical.

Tim sat on the right side of the table in the middle, reading a book as he ate the Honey cooked ham Alfred had made. Dick sat to the left side, closer to the head of the table, as usual. The talon was dressed in a navy blue suit, but his hair was in its same ruffled state, due to Jason usually.

Dick looked up at the youngest Wayne, and flashed a small smile. "Good morning, Dami." He greeted, and Damian decided not to comment on the nick name.

"Good morning, Richard." He replied, with a small nod. He took his seat, which was to the left with Richard, but in the middle. Both were separated by one seat.

Damian began to cut into the sweet ham. He took a bite, before looking to the entry way, where Jason started to walk in, wearing a T shirt and sweats, his hair a mess. "Oh the wonderful works of magic by Alfred Pennyworth, the cooking wizard." He said dreamily as he stared at the plate of ham at his seat on the right, in front of Damian.

He sat down and cut into it, imeditatly starting to take some bites, and devour it. Dick laughed, stronger than usual. He stood up, and walked past Damians seat, and ruffled the kids hair on the way by.

Damian swatted at the hand, but that was no use. He suppressed a sigh, still chewing his food. "I'm heading to W.E.. Working on nano tech or whatever." He waved his hand flippantly to prove his point.

Tim piped up from his seat. "N.C. Nano Contruction. A idea that, presuming it works, will speed up the time it takes to build buildings, repair streets, and more." He supplied.

"This is why your taking over when your sixteen." Dick laughed again, the smile never leaving. His false blue eyes still shined, even if they were contact lenses. "But yeah, that. We're testing out version 3.0 since Joker stole the last one, and that mission ended-"

"Horribly." Jason cut off. "The nano's made another Joker. That was a nightmare." He growled. Dick shrugged. "Pretty much." He confirmed. "However, this one won't go as bad. Joker was betrayed by his other self, and both competed each other for the title of Joker." He stated.

"I'm holding you to that." Jason muttered. "Yeah..." Tim agreed as Damian piped up. "I do not care." Dick shook his head, smirking still. "See you guys later." He said, walking out of view.

They heard a car rev up, before driving away. With that, the boys started to go back to their meals. After a few minutes, Jason piped up again. "Dick and I talked last night. He offered me a chance to stay here... permentatly." He informed.

Damian chewed as he studied the teen. Tim looked up from his book, and raised a eyebrow. "Your answer?" Jason smirked. "Your stuck with me, for a loooong time."

Tim smiled and nodded. "The horror." He said, but with amusement. Damian nodded, and finished his plate.

Wayne Manor - 1:23 PM

Jason sat on the couch, still in sweats and messy hair, flipping through channels. Tim was in the cave, and Damian was reading a book on the recliner.

The channel went to Gotham news, and showed Wayne Enterprise's with a fire on the higher levels, and fire fighters and GCPD moving everywhere. Vicky Vale, the reporter, was speaking on the matter.

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