Defense | 17

556 33 7

Bat Cave - 1:35 AM

Batman B-0-1

Robin B-0-34

The zeta beam lights faded, as did the voice announcing their arrival.  Batman stepped off the platform, walking over to the monitor where Oracle, A.K.A Barba Gordan, sat. 

She started intensely at the screen full of maps, numbers, criminal files, and more Information.  "Glad you two are back.  Sparrow located, by complete accident, a hide out of dollotrons.  Their popping up randomly, and their tearing people apart... litterally."  She said grimly.

Their wrist computers beeped, and Barbra spoke again.  "Head to that location, and help Tim and Jason.  Now."  She ordered. 

They left in a hurry, hopping in the Batmobile, which was shining from the previous toothbrush cleaning.  Dick revved it up, and the tires screamed as it sped off.

"Grgh! We n-eed back up! Repe-a-t. Ba-ack u-up!" Red Hood shouted in the comlink. 

"We are on our way.  ETA, two minutes, thirty seconds." Batman growled, speeding the car up.  Robin checked over his gear, and rattled off the location every now and then to remind his partner.  One turn, could cause them to lose one life.

"Ma-ake- agh... make i-i-it one!" Red Hood shouted across the glitching comlink. 

A minute and ten seconds later, the car stopped, causing it to spin and slide into the pack dollotrons, taking some out.  A few pulled themselves from under the heavy car, screaming.

The two partners leaped out, and started fighting imeditatly.  Batman was suddenly back to back with Red Hood.  "What the heck happened?!"  He asked as he grabbed a assaulting fist, and yanking it foward, kneeling the pale creature in the face, and knocking it out.

"Nest. Stepped in it. Exploaded."  Jason grunted as he flipped a snarling dollotron that had a foot for a hand, and hand for a foot.  He bashed it's head with his gun.

"You can't keep these guys down!  Bro, were gonna die if we don't think of something!"  He shouted as he aimed and took fire.  The bullet hit a screeching dollotron that had leaped onto a woman, trying to rip her hair out.  It withered and screamed till dead, it's hand still grasping for the lady's ankle.

"Weaknesses?!"  Batman asked as he right hooked one that made a charge at him, it's hands... or feet... trying to grab his head.

"Bullets to the head!"  Jason responded, shooting one in the eye, causing it to howl as blood poured over it's face.

"I am inclined to agree!"  Batman said.  "Robin, Sparrow, use lethal force.  Robin, draw your katana!"  He ordered into the comlink. 

He spun to dislocate a clawing gray hand from behind him.  While yanking and cracking it, he caught a glimpse of yellow and silver.  Robin was hacking away at the monsters.

"They don't quiet coming! We need a plan!"  Sparrow stated as he leaped above a incoming dog pile, and hitting them with a freeze pellet.  Robin stabbed through ones neck, it went limp, but still screamed with its permanent stitched smile.  "For Once!  I agree with Sparrow!"  He informed, yanking the sword out with a squish. 

"Fire!  Set the nest ablaze, and control it and them!"  Batman offered, ramming two dollotrons into the building, easily cracking their ribs and spines with his enhanced strength.

"Good enough!  Everyone into the nest!  Lead them back inside!"  Red Hood shouted, as he ran and fired at the same time.

Batman sprinted, his cape swooshing behind him, Robin and Sparrow ran to his side.  Dollotrons screamed, and chased viciously after them.

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