16 Chapter

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(Let us all assume you've got Asta's demon there: another fabulously monsterific demon... I mean, why not, right? Teehee)

It was a giant disaster befalling the clover kingdom. But if I couldn't stop at least one of the people who caused the assault, nothing will happened.

Geared with my grimoire in front of me, I waited... testing the waters, weighing the strength between me and the woman in front of me. But it didn't seem that she has any intention of spilling the treasures out so I had no choice but make her. My book leafed the pages further to another earth spells. "Earth magic, wild beast." I summoned.

The ground gradually created an earthquake. Slowly in three spots, the ground reformed into a grotesque mud-like slime, molding itself as quickly and then soon turning into a rock sculpture of Lion, panther and tiger.

Showing her a little of what I was capable of, the woman cackled again. "How adorable your dream pets are!" She screamed at me, the distance between us made her voice like a whistle to my ears. "But--" she let out a coarse chuckled before continuing. "Is that the best you can do?"

Her grimoire flipped expectantly, stopping to a spell I still have to know. I let the living statues I created to make an assault. The life sized rocks started running around her to attack. They launch up to the sky and towards the woman, so close for comfort until she chanted a curse.

Black arrows began to attack. Not just to my summons but also towards me which didn't give me enough time to take cover. One arrow hit my right shoulder, my side and my left leg. It wasn't painful. I started running, summoning another set of my beast. It tried chasing her, but her bizarre arrows would break it as soon as she's in reach.

Trying to get hold of her movement, I flipped the book pages to a new page. However, I felt my weight on the ground. I didn't know what happened until a sudden strike of unimaginable and agonizing pain made me involuntarily screamed.

She let out a cackle. "I love that voice, young lady. Would you mind giving it to me?" She asked, summoning another blow of her mysterious magic. The arrows all struck exactly to my throat the next thing I knew I can't even scream. The pain got me all over and I couldn't even do anything about it.

The pain hung into my system wishing that it would just end. But I knew I had to do something. The page hung into my reach. My eyes watching the words of spell I wanted to use but I couldn't voice out.

My anger had stilled in my body and most of the time, I feel my blood boiling in an incredible heat. I lifted my head up, seeing her land her broom down the ground near me. Her hills tapping the concrete that almost made my ears irritated. Her grimoire flipped to another page laughing madly. "Maybe I should put you out of your misery, now? I promise I'll make good use of you're pretty face like this one--" he face suddenly change into an unsightly mess, hazing like liquid until it formed into another face. "And this--" her form changed again. "And this--"  her voice changed too. "All of them died in my righteous power. And you're next in line my little girl." Her voice mimic the same as mine. My eyes widen, partially shocked from witnessing anonymous faces that trailed in front of me within just one person. And thinking she'll take on my own physique just made me sick.

Her grimoire stopped on a certain page. Chanting almost a gibberish word for me while her book glimmers. Something about it made her felt choke.

"Young magic knight. Young hero. Young life. With your pretty face, I'm sure I can deceive more than enough magic knights to present to my master. Don't you agree?" She said. "Just like all my little preys."

My heart felt seize. I'm going to die just like that? And she's going to turn me into a traitor? The anger in my body rose. The more I think about it, the more I feel consequently mad over the fact that I didn't even put up a good fight nor have I saved enough people. I'm not going to die a hero. Nor was my dream ever made sense.

Slowly, unnoticed. I felt something crawled into my feet. A cold yet unharmful sensation going up to my body in a fast track, until it reached my neck then up to my face. The woman backed away. Her stance suddenly turned surprised and in utter confusion. "W-what are you--" she paused within a click as I stood adrift her close distance.

I still had awareness in me. However, I have no control. As if my body was moving on its own volition. Her being caught off guard gave me an opportunity to sway an arc with my fist towards her and she flew off breaking a hole into the ground when she recieved the impact.

With that, I saw something in my curled fist. In my view I see a black mark on my hand, glistening like a tar that kissed my body. Sharp edges resided while I watched myself walked towards where the woman landed. This moment again... what is this? What's happening to me?

Half of me wanted to cry. The other half just didn't. Something--probably someone was residing in my body and this has been the third time I've felt being controlled. This episodes get me during the times I've been too angry. And the recollections it left me didn't have anything good to grasp aside from the fact that I beat the crap out of the people who angered me and my body envelopes in this black markings.

I made my way towards her again. She was getting up, pushing off the rubbles and debris that burried her on the building. The foggy dust began to clear in my way again only to hear her cough. "You little brat!" She screeched inside the infrastructure, sending more of her arrows at me that I didn't bother to dodge no matter how I force myself to get away. My body simply recieved the blow and I can hear her laugh. "Ten arrows can even kill an elephant! You think you can handle that?!" She cackled mocking.

But soon I appeared standing in plain sight and her face looked stunned. Seeing her clearly, I noticed that her cheek was swelling--the part I assumed to have punched. Her nose was bleeding as well as her body limped and shaking.

"Y-you little monster!" She screamed at me and it didn't do anything less. I appeared right in front of her, my grimoire appeared in my front seemingly unrecognizable as it also have tainted black not just in cover but also in pages. My voice came to and I mentioned a chant, I, myself did not understand as if I've said a gibberish hum.

She withdrew back again inside the house farther. She looked afraid and I don't know why. Only that she was backing away in fear, tears beginning to stream out of her eyes and her shape completely aged. "N-no! No! No! No!" She repeatedly screamed for the last few seconds. Until she fell on the ground and fainted.

The same thing happened again only to make me feel afraid of what was going on from time to time. Soon I felt my body easing again, the black tar-like marks on my body retreating down. Now that it had subsided, my entire body became soft and I soon fell on the ground with my palms and knees. I was catching my breath and I couldn't keep my emotions in check as I started crying. Anger always made me feel like someone else. No matter how hard I tried to control myself I'd end up going the same way.

Elementalist: Yuno x Reader(Elementalist)XLeopold//A Black Clover FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now