23 Chapter

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"Oh, this is it, right here." I pointed over the magic item named in accordance of the thing written on the shopping list.

Yuno also checked it, nodding in approval that I was right. "It actually is. Let's get it then." He told me.

I nodded as well, talking to the woman who owned the stall about the prize and to pack the item before we left. It actually didn't take long when we entered this black market, and although it looked sketchy at first glance, it's actually where most of the things in my shopping list were being sold.

As of now, both our hands were full after buying all the things in the checklist. We went out of the black market's hidden portal and once again was welcomed by the sight of the bright morning.

I can't believe we got all that within an hour inside that black market. The things I've tried so hard to search half a day were all available in a market...

I sighed, making our way to the square where the fountain displayed its usual shine in the sunny day.

"Are you okay?" Yuno asked, putting the items on the bench next to him.

I did the same, sitting tiredly while I stretched both arms and legs. "I'm a bit upset..." I admitted, giving out another tired sigh from my breath.

"Why?" He queried, sitting on the space beside me while Bell quietly sat on his shoulder.

"I understand our captain didn't mean anything bad about this shopping trip. In fact I appreciate his trust for putting me up to this task..." I started. "But they could've at least told me that they're all found in the black market..." I pouted, fanning myself with my hands.

"They probably just wanted you to figure that out, Y/n. You're an idiot sometimes." He sighed.

Now I blew my cheeks and gave him a glare. "That's just mean, Yuno." I complained. But soon looked down on my shoes. "But you're actually right..."

The older ravonette ruffled my already messy hair after seconds. "I'm not completely comparing your idiocracy with Asta's. But you definitely have it in you." He said in a tone he'd usually use to teas me.

I know I was uncomfortable with him earlier because I always ends up in a blushing mess, but as tired as I am now, I'm not bit flustered. I eyed him for a little, he was looking back at me with his neutral solemn expression while still in the process of messing my hair.

I smiled a little, trying to be as grateful as I could to his efforts. "Thanks for accompanying me today, Yuno. It's quite been a while since we had a long walk." I told him, reminiscing our time together in Hage village where we typically run the errands for father since he really doesn't trust Asta's voluntary plea.

He smiled back. "Yeah. It's been that long, huh?" He agreed. "When did we do our last errand anyway?" He asked.

"Hmmm..." I thought for a moment looking up the blue sky to remember. "Probably four years ago?" I stated.

He chuckled, must've been remembering that time as well. "For once, Y/n. You reminded me a really funny memory." He said.

I blushed hearing that chuckle once again despite the fact that he was just making fun of me. "You're so mean. I'm just so clumsy that time..." I complained at him.

"You're always clumsy, Y/n." He laughed now and I am more flustered than before.

"I thought it was a rock. It looked like a rock!" I defended.

He still laughed. "Which is why I told you to stop skipping on every big rock you see. But you won't listen." He still countered amused.

"But it was fun skipping on rocks..." I said weakly, hiding my face in embarrassment.

Elementalist: Yuno x Reader(Elementalist)XLeopold//A Black Clover Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें