04 Chapter

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*Your POV

We walked alone in the alley way going farther away from the kingdom as the silence grew. I wasn't that good with socializing through the people I just met for the first time so I wasn't really an effective person to speak with during this kind of situation.

"Y/n!" Leopold suddenly called. I jumped in surprise as I looked back and nervously spoke. "Yes sir!" I asked.

He laughed heartily again, hands on his waist as he approached me and gave another pat on my head. "You remind me how dense Asta looked sometimes little one." He said. "But of course, of course, it's in a good way." He quickly defended before I could even look upset.

"Y-yeah... the people in the church usually says that to me." I replied. Yes, sometimes Asta tends to panic too quickly and he suddenly springs up when someone suddenly speaks. "We're siblings, after all." I smiled awkwardly.

Leopold nodded. "Yes, I most likely agree." He said. "And the head-quarters is this way. I'll lead the way so you won't get lost, okay?" he said.

"Y-yes sir. I'm sorry about that."

"No sweat. I'm your mentor, so I should look after you, right?"


We continued walking again. I was getting nervous as we roamed the kingdom, feeling that we're getting close to destination. Negative thoughts driving me to insanity while I counted my steps, fidgeting nonstop behind Leopold. I was thinking a lot of what ifs in my approach. What if the squad won't like me? What if they'll think I'm arrogant because all squad captains raised their hands? What if I'd fail? What if I gave a bad impression?... I began to bite my nails while trying my best to calm down. The further steps I take is putting me slowly to my death as I imagined things on our way. Scary thoughts.

"We're here!" Again I sprung surprise from Leopold's announcement. I looked at him and the large infrastructure behind him. I stared at it in amazement trying to make out 'wow' from my mouth as I stared from bottom to roof. It was a hundred times bigger than the church I grew up in to. It was majestic and really flattering as I watched it outside. "From now on, you'll be living here as a Crimson Lion squad member." He grinned at me.

"T-thank you for having me!" I bowed enthusiastically trying my best to catch up with the information I've had today. I never thought being a magic knight could feel so inferior. "Your welcome." He replied back.

"So, get in, you're going to meet other squad members!" he offered the door for me and I gratefully entered. The structure was like of a manor. It was rectangular and vintage added with some kind of foreign designs I didn't heard off. The entrance greeted us with a wide hall covered in white marbled floor geared with a big golden chandelier with diamond like chains hanging on it. There were twin stairs going up to the second floor covered with red carpet. And as I filled my eyes with what I see, I caught sight of a man. He was wearing the crimson lion robe so I was certain that he's a member.

"Oh, Leopold. What took you so long?" We both looked at the other side, finding the squad captain walking towards us. I swallowed. He's more intimidating up close. His eyes trailed down towards me seriously. I froze. "So, you're our new recruit?" he acknowledged.

"Y-yes sir, captain sir! It's nice to meet you!" I bowed. "I-I'm Y/n of Hage v-village, it's an honor to be a part of your squad, s-sir!"

"And listen to this, captain-brother!" Leopold suddenly spoke. "She's Asta's younger sister!" he announced.

I quickly straightened and unexpectedly meeting up with the captain's eyes. "I see." He smiled. "No wonder I hinted something very familiar." He replied, I blushed.

"Your brother is a very inspiring knight." He spoke again now making me feel attentive to what he's about to say about Asta. "He never know when to give up, despite being powerless and wounded as long as he could still stand up."

"T-that's how he always is, c-captain sir." Now I'm confused what to call him. But it made me proud that people didn't seem to bully Asta around. I'm glad they knew how strong my brother is.

"Oh yes. I am Fuegelion Vermillion. The squad captain of the Crimson Lion squad. It is an honor to be able to have you as a member of our team. I expect good outcomes from you, okay?" he introduced.

"Y-yes sir." I wanted to salute, but my hands are still shaky after being nervous so I stood stiffly.

"Leopold." The captain called. I looked at him instinctively as we waited for his next words. "Kindly take y/n to her new room. We will be introducing her to the other member tomorrow." He said.

"Affirmative, captain brother." Leopold replied. "This way, little one." He waved his hand towards the twin stairs going up. He started walking and I followed him, taking us more than few minutes at the long corridors. This place is bigger than I thought it would be from the outside. It's been the very first time I entered a really big infrastructure. It's so amazing and at the same time awkward.

"Uhmm... Leopold... sir?" I called.

"Yes little one? Do not hesitate to ask any question, I'm willing to answer." He replied almost too comfortable with me and that helped me up to earn a bit of confidence.

"I was thinking... that maybe if I wasn't being effective enough as a knight, please... please tell me right away!" I said.

"Huh?" He looked at me with a frown. "Little one, you shouldn't be worrying about that on your first day. But if you ever were, just do your best to be more effective because it's not about being strong, it's about helping the citizen from harm!" That just showed how much enthusiastic he was about being a magic knight. I looked at him with amazement and he smiled confidently in return. "It's not about your status from the society, it's about the results of what you're capable of doing. Being a magic knight is what you wanted right? And you were chosen, which means you are worth becoming one!"

I finally smiled after all those awkward talks I've had with him earlier. "Leopold, sir. You're really amazing." I said. "I promise I'll show the best results to be worthy of your squad!"

He was staring at me with wide eyes, seemingly stunned from what I said or might be thinking about something else. Then he snapped, blinked twice and laughed a bit awkwardly. "Yes, yes, of course. You should because you're a magic knight after all." He said. "And here's your room." He pointed to his left, over one of the big doors aligned, opening it and entered first. I followed, almost too surprised from the wide spacious room that lifted before my eyes.

"This is my room?" I asked still stunned.

"Yes, yes. I'll leave you to rest for now okay? Make sure to write to your family in Hage!" he left, closing the door gently while I take the moment to look around. It was spacious, even bigger than our room back in Hage and I'm going to stay here? The kids could almost fit in here more comfortable. I smiled in content as I made my way towards the study table of the room, grabbing a paper and the quail pen just lying there and started to write my report back to the church.


Sister Lily was sweeping outside the church's front yard. The sun was usually bright today as she looked up with a smile on her face wiping her sweaty forehead. "Oh what a day." She sweetly said when a dark whole formed up in the air with a messenger owl flying out of it with a letter in its claws. It flew around sister Lily's head, dropping the letter on her hand and then returning back to the teleportation hole (well it does teleport. Lol).

She looked at the back of the letter, finding that it was Y/n who sent the letter herself. Happily entering the church, she found the priest resting on one of the long chairs. "Father! Y/n sent a letter!" she announced.

The priest quickly shot up on his feet and turned around to the sister. "She had?!" he said almost crying from the news. She gave him the letter and the children whom had heard his loud 'she did?!' question came in to hear the news too. The teary eyed father dramatically opened the letter and started to read. After reading the content of Y/n's letter, he cried again. "I know you could do it, Y/n! I just knew. I'm so proud of you!" he said, grabbing his broom and running towards the door. "I'm going to tell the good news to everyone! Another pride of Hage village has become a magic knight!" he said taking in some children who wanted to come with him.

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