05 Chapter

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"My very first mission?" I asked when Leopold and I were facing the squad captain. I was more than excited for my second day as a magic knight because just after receiving my very own crimson lion robe, the captain had given me a mission. Man this is the best.

"Yes, since you were the only one we're able to recruit, it won't be too hard for your first, okay?" Captain Fuegoleon assured.

I smiled. "I'll do my best, sir!" I said.

"Yes of course, I'm expecting that." He smiled back. "And you don't have to worry about mistakes, alright? Leopold will assist you on your mission."

I turned to Leopold who was smirking at me, hands up in thumbs and winking at me as I blushed and looked away. "Don't worry I got ya'." He said.

I awkwardly nodded.

"So, about your mission." Captain Fuegoleon started as we both turned towards him to listen. "You're going to collect a letter."

"Letter?" both me and Leopold asked questionably.

"Yes. But the travel won't be that easy." He smiled finding shine in my eyes after hearing the challenge. "It may take three days of walk to get there, and wild beasts may postpone your time on going forward. You will be heading to Marse (Well who cares about a name! Ha ha!) village. It was an isolated place away from the kingdom territory, but it still a part of our kingdom anyways." He said. Breathed out for a while and then spoke again. "Today is their monthly letter exchange from their loved ones that are working in the capital. The spatial magic unfortunately cannot reach there. So the king divides the task every month by two team squads."

"Great. Now who're we paired with?" Leopold asked feeling annoyed.

"The Golden Dawn." Fuegoleon said.

"Golden Dawn huh. Urgh..." he growled a sigh. "Okay, let's go little one. I bet the Golden Dawns are waiting." He said and started to walk away.

I bowed in front of Captain before following Leopold. We went out of the head-quarters. He stopped and turned to me. "Get your broom little one, we're blasting back to the capital." He said.

I obeyed, entering back inside to grab a broom. When I came out, he was standing there, magically having one in his hand. He grinned while I frowned. "That was quick." I muttered unaware that I've spouted that selflessly.

He laughed from my reaction and rode on, showing his flying skills. "Now, now little one. I just like that adorable look in your pretty face." He teased and I looked away blushing. "Now off we go."

I rode my broom too and decided to catch up to his phase in the air. "So, this mission is going to take on foot right?" I asked.

"Yes we are walking, little one." He said continued with a confident laughter. "Keep up with me, okay?"

"Yes, of course." I replied.

We reached the capital in no time after the ride in the air. I followed Leopold as he landed on the ground in front of the Clover kingdom's entrance. There were three speck on the exact place as I narrowed my eyes to look closer, finding the familiar specks from afar and when we got closer, my smile widened, finding Yuno and his team actually anticipating our landing.

I waved a hand at him. "Yuno! Mimosa! Mr. Four-eyes!" I called.

Yuno and Mimosa waved back at me while four-eyes simply fixed the position of his glasses looking from the other side as he usually does. "Hello, Y/n, Leopold." Mimosa greeted after we landed on the ground

"Just the two of you?" Four-eyes asked displeased.

"Yeah. Apparently, little one here is the only recruit we had this year so I don't have another newbie to bring on with me." Leopold replied back.

"So, I'm glad we only have one burden in hand." he coldly said.

I pouted, puffed my cheeks as I looked at him in complaint. "I won't hold you back, Mr. Four-eyes. I swear." I said defensively.

"It's Clause, you little brat! Learn to respect a superior!" He shot back grumpily while glaring at me.

"Yes, of course. Mr. Four-eyed Clause, sir!" I replied as he looked at me with displeasure that I didn't let go of his infamous nickname.

"You're really are your brother's sister." He grunted. "Let's go, we have a long day ahead of us."

We all agreed as we all rode our transportation to fly and left the capital. The four of us were riding our own broom while Mr. four-eyes Clause rode his lame ride made of his metal magic. The wind hushing was the only noise around as the ride took more than half an hour. We were all focused on what's in front of us until we were able to leave the kingdom territories. Yuno flew beside me that made me make a short glance before looking back front of the way. He too was looking at the same direction, cautious that a bird might hit in this kind of speed.

"How do you feel on your first mission?" He asked.

I gave a short glance again. "I'm excited." I replied. "Isn't this cool, I get to have my first mission with you." I added.

"Eeeeekkkk!!!! Stop talking like some old friends!" the little sprite appeared in between us. I backed away a little surprised from her sudden approach. "Yuuuno!!!!! Stop smiling!" she complained.

"We've known each other since we're babies so—"

"Eeeeeekkkkkk! Stop! Stop! Yuno is mine!!!!" she screamed suddenly blocking me right in my face that made me make a sudden halt before I could even clash myself specifically my forehead to her.

"Please don't do that, I nearly hit you and you might get hurt!" I scolded.

"Stop being so nice!!!! It's annoying!" she screamed again, face flushed with embarrassment and anger as she spoke.

"Bell, stop it." Yuno took her by the wings holding her at the back like a caught brat with a sudden glare I never knew he could wear. I quickly intervened taking the little fairy gently in my hands as I spaced away from him. "Don't be mean, she's your spirit." I scolded him looking at the teary eyed little creature in my hands.

He sighed. "Right, and she'll bug you again." he sarcastically said.

On the other hand, Leopold suddenly let out an outrageous laugh. "What's that, a drag? Is that fairy bothering you, little one? Want me to toast her?" he asked teasingly.

Bell squeaked in fear while I securely hid her in my palms. "Don't do that!" I muttered in complaints not just because they were teaming up with scaring bell, but also because he'd called me little one every time he would speak with me. "And stop with that 'little one', sir. I'm not even that little." I added.

He laughed again. "Right. Might be, but you're smaller than Casta!" he teased again and laughed to his joke at the same time.

"It's Asta, Leo!" Mimosa defended with a blush, "Not Casta..." she mumbled the last sentence embarrassed.

"What about we ask four-eyes which is which?" Leopold asked back.

The glasses guy fixed his glasses annoyed before speaking. "It's Clause!" he cleared his name. "And he's Asta, not Casta!"

And our conversation reversed around names, completely forgetting Bell whom had fallen asleep in my hands peacefully. Cute! I gently placed my hand where she's lying in front of me just to ensure she won't fall, and to remind that I'm holding a small fairy in my hand. Having all their names called out into an insult, we were welcomed by thunder storms and strong whirlwinds so we decided to land on the ground to walk.

So, this is why we have to go on by foot? I thought looking around the dark forest that awaits us. "It's time to get walking." Leopold enthusiastically walked inside the dark forest first and we all followed him.

With Bell carefully held in my hand, I looked around cautiously. This place isn't really friendly, and I hoped that no creature here would want a little sleeping fairy in my hand.

Elementalist: Yuno x Reader(Elementalist)XLeopold//A Black Clover FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now