"Yeah, but we're friends" Sasha nodded, and that was the first time she answered the question.

She didn't know if it was because she truly felt that way or because she just wanted the guy to shut up.

Sasha was relieved when she spotted Lux coming out of the house with her brother behind her. The two hopped in the car, and before she knew it they were on their way to her house. This was it. Now or never, she thought to herself. She glanced at the time on her phone and watched as the clock turned to 4pm. In five hours she would be having her first high school party, and she could only hope it wasn't a disaster.


       "So, we have a proposition for you" Lux folded her arms across her breast as her and Sasha stood in front of Quan.

He raised his brow as he looked up from the homework in front of him, wondering what his sister and her friend were talking about.

"What?" He smirked, looking over to Lux.

"We're having a party" Sasha revealed, "And you're not going to say anything to mom and dad"

Quan looked at his sister in disbelief, and then began to double over in laughter. Sasha scrunched her brows while Lux rolled her eyes, and Quan ceased his laughter long enough to fold his hands behind his head.

"This is going to be good" he spread his mouth maliciously, "What's your offer?"

"Actually, what's your offer?" Lux smirked, taking out her phone and sliding it over to him.

Quan looked at her suspiciously, next picking up the phone only for his heart to immediately drop at the picture.

"How did you get this?" He barked, standing up from his seat.

"Don't worry about it" Lux retorted, snatching her phone back, "Just know, I know who you work for.
So heres our deal, you will not say anything about the party. To anyone, and you'll make sure your little brothers are quiet about it too. And, you're going to leave Sasha alone. Or, I will send my little evidence to your parents personally"

Quan couldn't believe it. And while he wanted to flip out, he knew Lux would send that picture just by how she stood up for Sasha on a daily. He also knew his dad would kill him, probably literally if he knew he was skipping school to deal drugs and definitely wasn't on the football team.

At first it started because he wanted some new gear for school, and the only place his dad would buy him clothes from was Forman Mills. At 17, he was tired of not fitting in with the other boys. So once he started making a couple dollars, he purchased a few outfits and sneaks that he kept hidden, and would just change at school. He didn't need his dad wondering where he got the money for the new Jordans or whatever else he decided to spend his money on. At first things were going good, and now that his sister knew, he was sure that he could never blackmail her again as long as she had that picture.

"Fine" he finally answered, clinching his jaw, "But if dad and mom finds out, I'm not in this"

"Aht" Lux stuck her finger up, "Don't go making demands. Now, twenty dollars for snacks. And clean up, it's going to be girls here"

"What, I'm not giving you any money" Quan scoffed.
Lux gave him a warning with her eyes and he sucked his teeth and pulled out a twenty.

"Thanks" she smiled innocently, "Come on Sasha"
Sasha, who was still in shock about the whole thing, followed behind Lux.

"Did you see that?" She laughed as they were on their way to the store, "Wow. Who knew that picture would hold so much weight"

"Hell yeah, he won't be bothering you anymore" Lux giggled, "Glad I took that picture"

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