❅ Chapter Six ❅

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Rolando still had Loyal in his arms, that pup had her tongue out panting and she was wagging her tail. He gave her a pat on the head, growing very fond of this little fluff ball. "Who's a good girl." He cooed as he rubbed her chin. He had his way with animals and he didn't get enough credit for how good he was with them.

Loyal let out a soft bark, enjoying the chin rub which moved up to her head and down her back. "Me! Oh wait, that's a rhetorical question." She giggled softly at her silliness as she laid down in the bed that Rolando had set her down on. It was comfy no doubt, very cozy, perfect for sleeping.

Risa let out a soft giggle at her dog, before sitting down on the bed. As if on cue her stomach began to rumble and a light dusting of pink grew on her cheeks. "Oh, um, I guess that means I am hungry." She sheepishly said, looking down at her feet. For some odd reason, it was embarrassing, yet she had no clue why. The only thing she realized was she was hungry but alas had no money for food, but she wasn't going to bring that up.

Vincent rolled his eyes, he still couldn't believe he had to be stuck with her. "I got a solution then: go get something to eat and stop whining." His voice dripping with sarcasm as he waved her off. He didn't know why he was being so snippy towards her, he just wasn't in a good mood for no particular reason.

Risa sighed softly, running a hand through her hair. Was he trying to treat her like a child? "I know that, Vincent. I am not stupid. I know when I am hungry and what I need to do." She huffed exasperated, throwing her hands in the air and letting them flop to her side. "Just, where do I go to eat?" She has no clue where the dining room was.

Vincent groaned flopping onto Rolando's bed. "To the dining room!" He exclaimed, exasperated himself at how dumb she was being. Of course, he wasn't picking up that it meant two things and she was wanting to know where the dining room was located on the ships.

Risa was a little hurt by his words but she was more so angry at him. "I know the dining room. Please be quiet and stop treating me like a child. I meant where is it located on the ship? I have never been on one and need directions because some of us are as privileged as you." She didn't like it and she knew she wasn't stupid, she was really smart.

Rolando stood up and glared at Vincent, very upset with how he was treating their quest. It was uncalled for. He then looked over at Risa. "I'll show you Risa and don't worry, Loyal, I'll bring you a doggie bag back." He kissed the top of Loyal's head before setting her down on the fluffy bedding.

Loyal barked happily, panting before getting comfy on the bed. "Thank you so much, I'm so hungry!" She wagged her tail and yawned, knowing she could sleep a while, while she was waiting on her food. Oh, the joy of wondering what he would bring her back.

Vincent hurried to his feet when everyone but him was going. "Wait, wait, I'm coming." He exclaimed, shoving his hands into his pockets and he walked over to the two. He was not going to be left behind and ended up having to eat alone. He wasn't going to admit he was also hungry because that would just make him look like an idiot and he didn't want that.

Risa scoffed crossing her arms over her chest shaking her head as she couldn't believe what he was trying to do. "Oh, now you wanna go since Rolando is coming? At least he offered to show me, you were just being a big jerk." She spat at him, not liking how he was treating her. Why was he having such a problem with her now and not when they met?

Vincent was shocked and he put his hand over his heart in mock hurt by what she said. "Oh, I'm a jerk, and pray tell how is that? Is Vincent not dashing enough to show you that he isn't a jerk? Have I not swooned you enough? Must I pull out some charm to woo you?" He asked condescendingly with a roll of his eyes.

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