"Aeris," I say before I realize how insane I sound. Aeris giggles and motions for me to open the door.

"Um..." Yuffie looks at me with a frown when I open the door.

"See?" Aeris waves and Yuffie's face pales. It looks like she's seen a ghost. Oh wait...


"Hi? What in Shiva's name..." she pinches the bridge of her nose. "I'm going insane."

"Nope," I shake my head, going through the cabinet. "Where're the kids?"

"I still have to meet them," Aeris grins.

"Sorry, I don't think it'd be a good thing if Kara started telling people her best friend was a ghost," Yuffie shakes her head. "And downstairs with Denzel."

"Well it was nice seeing you again, Cloud," she nods toward me and then smiles at Yuffie. "You two, Single White Rose of Wutai."

"Don't call me that," Yuffie glares at her.

"Byee," she waves and then disappears.

"I'm going to forget I just saw that and hope that she didn't watch you shower," Yuffie mumbles, hugging me from behind.

"Ew, of course she didn't. She wasn't even there until I started brushing my teeth."

"Mhmm," she hums in disbelief before letting go. "Hurry up, we have to drive to Rocket Town and then back here." I groan and finish getting dressed after she leaves, going downstairs to find Denzel just leaving and the twins ready to go.

"Look at you, all ready to go and stuff," I wiggle my eyebrows at Kara and she giggles, hugging onto my arm.

"Daddy's wearing cloves now!"

"Clothes," I correct with a chuckle and pull my boots on.

"To Rockets!" Michael jumps up and down, clapping like always.

"Rockets?" I raise an eyebrow at Yuffie.

"He thinks we're gonna go see a rocket," she rolls her eyes.

"He's in for a rude awakening," I laugh. "Cid is nowhere near a rocket."

"He's a grump old man," she shakes her head.

"Are we gonna see Gramps?" Kara asks me. I burst out laughing and Yuffie sighs.

"Sure. But he's not really your grandpa."

"I know!"

"Who's my grandpa?" Mickey asks, itching his cheek. My smile falls and I ignore his question, instead opening the door and rushing them outside. Yes, I do take them places on my motorcycle. Yes, Yuffie did get her own. Yes I'm terrified for poor Kara's life...

"Helmet!" Michael squeals and pulls it over his head, the extra large helmet making his head wobble. I laugh and take it off him, putting the smaller one on and then pulling my shades on. I don't care if people say this isn't safe, we don't have the money for a car at the moment.

Kara waves at me and then we're off, Mikey hugging to the front of the bike as we ride down the road and along the long bridge that leads to the continent I grew up on. Somehow Zack and I made it from Nibelheim to Midgar after we escaped the Shinra Mansion and Hojo's cruel grasp. I don't remember most of that run, mostly because I was sorta mentally disabled at the time. I just remember listening to Zack as he told me about his plans as we sat in the back of that yellow pick up truck, just hours before he died.

"That was fun, huh?" I laugh, watching Mikey climb of the bike and stumble a little before he falls.

"I'm dizzy," he giggles, taking his helmet off.

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