Chapter 9 (Nightmares)

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Demetrio was truly my nightmare. I have gotten scared in terms of noises since escaping his grip but now that fear has turned from noises to nightmares. Ever since River got upset I was trauma triggered. I cannot stop thinking about Demetrio. How am I going to deal with society if I'm completely terrified.

As I lay on the couch River had me stay on because he noticed the fever I had gotten, looking over to the bed at a now asleep River I try my hardest not to wake him up but I don't want to go back to sleep. 

I keep falling back into the same if not, similar nightmare. A nightmare where Demetrio approaches me with this grin on his face saying "You can't run from me. Your mine, I know where you are" while walking towards me trying to reach out and grab me.

My heart is beating excessively as I feel myself going into a full blown panic attack. I leave the room gasping for air walking towards the front door to try and get some fresh air. I feel lightheaded and it seems like its taking forever to unlock the door which makes me panic even more and soon I am met by an elder lady. River introduced us earlier. I forget her name but she's the doctor or healer here.

"Calm down my child." She said while putting her arm around mine, opening and leading me out the front door. "Sit here with your head in between your legs and don't move". "Take deep breaths, control your breathing, I'll be right back." she says as I look up at her giving her those pleading eyes as to stay not leave me, but the words couldn't form. "Head down" she said turning and walking inside. I did as she said.

What felt like minutes later my heartbeat starting to slow down and I heard the door creek open. Looking up to see a confused River and the little lady gently push him to the side trying to reach me fast. "Here drink this my child." she said handing me a drink that looked like water but sure didn't smell like it. Nonetheless I did not argue and drank it all fast placing the cup back towards the woman who took it out my hand. 

I rested my hand on my chest looking back down not wanting to answer any questions but I knew it was coming. "Sacagawea, you may leave us" River said. She excused herself saying "Come get me if there is any concerns" to River and turned to me saying "Don't worry so much my child you are in safe hands." I looked back up at her seeing her already turned and disappear behind River heading inside. I'm met with River giving me this blank almost annoyed stare. 

I broke eye contact looking to the houses further down ahead, and stayed quiet not wanting to upset him more. I know I'm annoying and I didn't want to disturb his sleep. I felt so bad at this moment and I think he might have realized because he said not another word. He sat beside me instead.

We sat in silence for a few moments before he said "I don't know what happened to you and maybe its none of my business. I want you to understand that you can come and talk to any one of us you feel comfortable to talk too. Its not good to hold these things in. As a women its normal and you need to let it out so you can heal from it."

Tears started to form as I took in what he said. He is right I can't live with all these pent up emotions. I blinked those tears away not wanting to seem weak and simply said "I'm fine thank you."

He sighed and again we sat in complete silence. A few minutes later he got up saying "Let's go inside. You should get some rest."  He placed his hand out and said "We are heavily guarded. No one is coming to you without coming through me first." I reached up taking his hand and standing up. I hope I wasn't talking in my sleep and this was a coincidence. Either way those words were a bit soothing.

We headed back inside and I towards the room while he locked back up the front door and followed behind me. I walked back towards the couch and laid down to go back to sleep.

"Are you sure you're alright? Do you need anything?" he asked me gaining a simple "no thank you" from me

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"Are you sure you're alright? Do you need anything?" he asked me gaining a simple "no thank you" from me.

I closed my eyes to try and go back to sleeping knowing how fearful I was of dreaming about that evil man. I didn't want River to pry so I acted about as normal as I could be and started to feel how drained my body was. I let sleep take over me once again knowing the possibility of where it can lead.

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