Ch 4 I Can't

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Third POV

"Besides the fact that you're gonna need a new weapon, I'll handle this fight." Perceval states with a grin, finally able to fight after a long time being dead.

Turning back to Jaune, who held his sword pointed at Perceval, and smiled

"So you're one of the people bullying my son?" He says whilst blocking a slash.

"So What? He doesn't deserve to be here!" Jaune states before swiping downward

Perceval sidesteps before shield bashing Jaune, who stumbles back, unable to dodge his next set of sword slashes. Jaune's aura was now yellow orange.

Jaune blocks the next hit and swings against Perceval's side, gaining a hit.

"Took you long enough." Perceval states before his shield shrinks and his sword is sheathed.

Jaune rushes with his shield, which is kicked down getting stuck in the ground. He lets go of his shield and begins slashing with Crocea Mors, only to be blocked by Perceval's left vambrace.

A swift punch is delivered to Jaune's jaw, which he holds with his hand, and a knee to his gut. Balling up both his hands together, Perceval slams both down onto Jaune.

"Winner is Jackson And Perceval Quinn." Ms Goodwitch announces.

Perceval steps to his son, who's now standing, and puts his hands on his shoulders. "It's good to see you, and I want you to know I'm very proud of you."

They exchange words while towards the back, where Nora and Pyrrha stood next to Goodwitch.

"Are you sure these accusations are true? We don't want to ruin a student based on rumors." The Teacher asks.

"I-It happened to us as well. CFVY saw it, well the end of it when J-Jack ran." Nora stutters out in mock fear.

"MR QUINN! TO THE HEADMASTER'S OFFICE NOW!" Goodwitch yells at Jack, who's Father just disintegrated.

He turns to look around, seeing Nora's grinning face. Looking down he walks to Ozpin's office.

When he arrives the Headmaster looks at him. "I'm disappointed in what I've been told happened recently."

"Wh-What happened?" Jack asks.

"From a set of students, whom shall stay anonymous, have accused you of sexually assaulting the females of JNPR, and CFVY. I'd like at least a reason I should believe you're innocence."

"I-I would never! I'm personally just leaving a relationship with Pyrrha, and that left me heartbroken! My current defense is my Team saw me almost all of yesterday." Jack responds

"Those are only valuable reasons as to why you would do something as heinous as that. You're to be suspended and serve three months of jail time. Or, I can expel you and no time will be served." The headmaster suggests.

"I-I'll take the expulsion." Jack responds with a downcast look. He steps towards the elevator, where he cries silently to himself.

Exiting the elevator he's surrounded by WBY and team JNPR. "Why you crying, cry baby?"

"You were right. I don't belong here." Jack states quietly.

"What? Say it louder so everyone can here." Jaune states with a look of encouragement towards his friends.

Jack just pushes through them, walking towards his dorm to pack.

Upon arriving, he grabs his red duffel bag and packs what clothes he had. Taking out his scroll he makes a quick call to his uncle.

"Hey I'm gonna need a place to stay for a while. I'll explain when I get there." He speaks into the scroll, attempting to hang up, only for his scroll to be taken.

"Oh hi mister weakling's family, I'm Jaune the guy who kicked you're relatives ass!" He states with pride into the device, which wasn't Broadcasting any more.

Jack just walks on, exiting the place he called home. What was he thinking, believing that he could be some legendary hero like his father? Walking towards the Airship Docks was a short one. But he caught the looks of plenty of people, including Ruby Rose.

He stepped onto the bullhead, setting his bag down, and turning to look at Beacon for a last time.

"So that's it. You're running away?"

"I don't have a choice. Ruby I've been expelled, I couldn't stay if I wanted to." Jack responds to the crimson warrior. "But thank you, for being a friend. If you want, you can come by the Blacksmith, I'll be sure to do my best on repairs"

"Please stay Jack... you're wanna my closest friends here, and my first." She begged, now crying.

"I can't"

Broken Gems (Cheater Pyrrha X Oc X Ruby)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat