Ch 3 Your Semblance

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Jackson's POV

"You little Cunt." Jaune states before lifting me up by my uniform jacket, "That was a nice move. My turn"

He lifts me higher before slamming me onto the table, breaking it, and spilling food all over my uniform.

"Mr Arc. I'd like it if you didn't break our tables and attack other students." A female voice sounds out.

Ms Goodwitch, with a flick of her riding crop, lifts me up in a bubble and fixes the table.

"If you have a vendetta, you may fight in my class. Actually you'll fight first." She says while walking away as the bubble pops letting me fall on my ass.

"You're dead next hour." Jaune states as he walks away, leaving me to go change into some new clothes.

~In Goodwitch's Class~
Ruka's POV

"You know you don't have to do this yea?" I ask him

"It would only give them something else to insult. Who knows I might win!" Jack states with a grin.

Currently he wore a small amount of armor, enough to protect, and enough to show his red tea shirt. His black jeans had a few rips in them, nothing he cared for though. He wore simple tennis shoes.

"Come on Weakling! Show us what you're made of!" Jaune grins

"Go get him." I state as Jackson walks out to fight. I walk up to Azule and Liz, who were talking to Ruby.

Third POV

Down in the arena, where Jack and Jaune stood, ready to fight. Jaune smirks and grips his sword before charging at his opponent

Jack lifts up his Scimitar and blocks the attack, which makes him stagger. He blocks more of the other warriors attacks, his sword becoming weaker with each hit.

Pulling out Last Laugh, as his advantage on Jaune, and shooting at him, only for Jaune to place his shield directly in front of the barrel.

The resulting blast destroyed Last Laugh, and burned Jack's hand as he tries to block with FireWater. Jaune performs a downward slash, which Jack attempts to block by turning FireWater into Sickle mode.

The impact of the two weapons colliding severely damages the sickle-sword. On its next block, the sword cracks and breaks at the next attempt to block.

Jaune slashes upward at Jack, leaving a cut on his lip, and kicks him down.

The stumbling Jack stands up holding what's left of FireWater and turns to face Jaune, but is met with a shield to the face.

Jaune prepares a final slash, a downward cut, and swings.

But the attack never hit, only hitting another shield. A figure spins his sword, a red bladed broadsword, and points it at Jaune.

On the aura meter, two names are shown, Jackson who's in the dark orange, and Jaune, who's in the green. But another name digitalizes.

Perceval Quinn. A legendary Warrior that was believed to be killed. "Get up Son. Now is not the time to be Pitying yourself." He speaks

He looks like a much older Jack, with his black hair and slight beard. His eyes were predominantly Orange. He wore typical armor, a chest plate and vambraces. The chest plate held a dragon symbol on it. His choice of underclothes were a black long sleeve tunic, and dark blue jeans with brown boots.

"Who are you? Some wannabe knight?" Jaune ridiculed. Perceval gave a side look to his son

"Is this one fucking stupid?" He asked while Jack slightly smiled. "How are you even here?" Jack asked

"This is your Semblance Son. You can summon any dead member of our line of heritage. You can summon my or your mother siblings along with us. But anyone after you. Can't summon them." Perceval states while easily blocking Jaune's next strike. "It's your semblance. I'm proud that you unlocked it."

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