Chapter 1 Of course we're different

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'I still don't know what to make of it! I'm 17 years old, I should be focusing on school, maybe get a job, maybe get a girlfriend... but instead turns out I've got powers... like mutant powers!' Izuku thought to himself. He was picked up from his now old home and was being driven to what would be his new home, his new life.

For what seemed like the hundredth time during the car trip, Izuku pressed play on the tablet on the video and a bald man with a white beard appeared on the screen "Hello Mr. Midoriya, my name is Eichi Nakajima and I understand that you are going through some unexpected changes, I've been in contact with others who are having the same issues, if you would like me to help, have one of your parents input your phone number and i will contact you personally" the screen faded to black.

He was contacted soon after and Mr. Nakajima spoke to Izuku and his parents explaining everything. Izuku's parents were relieved to find help for their son. The agreement was for Izuku to be picked up the next day, early afternoon. But now with getting further and further away from his family he started to feel homesick even more so when he arrived.

His new home was a massive house, even if it was only one story tall, and from what Izuku was told the house had 6 bedrooms each with a shower and toilet, a kitchen and lounge area, pool, gym and outdoor basketball ball court which as the car pulled up, 5 people were playing in.

3 of them looked normal even if Izuku himself had green eyes and hair, there was a red headed male, black haired female, blonde haired female but the other 2 however not so much. The other male had a literal bird head, beak and all, the other female had pink hair seemed normal, but pink skin? 'Must be part of their mutation' Izuku thought to himself, the driver of the car turned to Izuku

"That's the other 5 teenagers, the red head is Eijiro, the... umm bird head is Fumikage, the black haired girl is Momo, the blonde is Himiko and the pink hair and skinned girl is Mina... I'm sure they'll be happy to introduce themselves but in the meantime I'll show you to your room" he said with a reassuring tone.

The 5 other teens waved but Izuku just kept his head down, just wanting to keep to himself for the time being. Izuku was shown to his room, he grabbed his bag from the driver then managed to say goodbye. When the driver left Izuku shut his door and dropped his bag and sat on the bed, he just sat there as he lost track of time.

He snapped out of it when there was a knock at his door, but instead of opening it he just remained on his bed, putting his face in his hands. The door opened as Eijiro peered in "Hey ahh... dinner is ready so umm yeah" he said before moving away, shutting the door.

Eijiro and one of the girls started talking "He's just sitting there... I'm not really a pep talk person or anything" he said
"You just looked in there? Why didn't you sit down or anything?" The other voice replied.

It seemed like the others were having dinner, Izuku's door opened and footsteps were approaching.

They sat down next to Izuku 'just go away' he thought. They both sat there for a few minutes before the other person spoke "I'm Mina, what's your name?" She asked in a soft tone, Izuku just sat in silence, but he gave in a little "I-Izuku" he muttered.
"Well Izuku I'll be right back with something just for you" Mina said before walking off, 'I hope she doesn't come back, at least she could've shut the door though' he thought not moving still.

"How is he?" Spoke Fumikage  "I think he's feeling homesick, so I'd thought this might help" Mina replied
"So you're bringing him dinner? That's so sweet of you!" said 1 of the females. 'WHY' Izuku thought as he heard footsteps approaching.

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