❝her watchdog.❞

Start from the beginning

"The hell do you want?" He cooly began to speak, "Scram! Get Lost!" He attempted to put some fear in the girl. But she didn't flench.

The girl reached out her hand and placed it on his chest. Gazing up at his mismatched eyes. His golden eye glared intensely at her, "Huh!?!" Her actions caught off guard. Not only did she not flench but she dared touch him as well?

What a weirdo...

Her doll-like blue eyes continued to stare. Then shut. Her finger traced his chest going upward..trickling up his neck , his adam's apple then his chin. How did he let this slide?

He rendered himself defenseless to her odd acts. No girl ever dared touch him in such a manner, he had yet to move a muscle. He let it happen until she mouthed, "You are strong like they say?"

He had enough of this shit. "What the hell are ya doin'?! You freak!" He bluntly yelled. He gripped his slender bandaged hands tightly around the bat. Letting such a weak girl do something like that to him. Disgusted by it so much so..

"I wanna puke."

Why wasn't she showing any fear? The fucks up with this bitch?!? Is all he could think. "I.." The girl started her sentence.

"I have a request to ask you."

Even though she had a calm demeanor, she was actually anxious. She didnt think it would be so easy. "What is it?" He took a step back away from her. And grinded his teeth, Her demeanor really pissed him off. It wasn't what he wanted or expected from such a petite girl.

She wasn't done with her silent inspection of the boy 30 cm taller than her. She came closer and before he knew it she had closed him into the wall. Why couldn't he show her how tough he was now as he did was everyone so aimlessly? He hadn't understood yet but this girl... she really put him at unease. "S-Stay back!"

Was he flustered? Embarrassed? Or just weirded out?

She grabbed his arm as she tried to feel for muscle possibly. It was hidden under his black jacket and brown hoodie so she really couldn't tell.

He growled, "I said get away from me!" He roughly pushed her and she fell , bum first on the ground. In shook she sat there.. "His movements are fast. But he seemed to be hesitating.. " she thought to herself.

"You're tough.. I expected it.." She wasn't disappointed after all. He had to be what she was looking for. A bodyguard.

"..Be My Watchdog,"

Her ocean blue saucers gazed at him. The look in her eyes were almost as if she was begging, she's been yearning to find someone for this. To her, Isaac Foster would come in handy.

Perplexed, he stared back at her. He opened his mouth, giving out a long exaggerated


He almost felt insulted. Being called a dog. How dare she disrespect him like that. It angered him. Just thinking of being some sort of pet that takes orders from this girl.

But the look in her doll-like eyes were so pleading. He had to turn his glimpse away,

"Tch. Forget it. What type of guy do you take me for?!"

watchdog  ➼  zackray 《Yankee Gakuen AU》Where stories live. Discover now