"Was that-" Yoongi questioned with a frown.

"My husband, yes" Jungkook answered, continuing to race.

"What are we going to do with them though?" Yoongi asked moments later.

Jungkook simply shrugged.

"Maybe we'll lock them up, without letting dad know" he added.

Both of them knew, Yoongi's involvement with the Kim royal would grant his extermination. He would be charged with treason, guilty or not.

While Yoongi's mind was racing, Jungkook spotted the siblings just up ahead on the road, going faster and faster as they noticed the hellhounds behind them.

Yoongi rolled his eyes before pulling out his own gun and aimed at their tires and shot both of the rear ones, causing the jeep to come at an urgent skidding halt. Jungkook quickly skid-halted their own jeep and both of them jumped out and pulled their guns at the siblings, who were ready to bolt.

"Why are you helping him?!" Kai screamed at Jungkook, while his sister looked like she regretted giving that heads-up.

"He's not the mole" Jungkook stated calmly.

"He is! And I'll make sure his lover dies with him!" Kai spat angrily, and almost immediately fell down lifelessly as a gunshot sounded.

Jungkook gasped and looked towards Yoongi, who's gun barrel emitted smoke. Another shot sounded and the other sibling fell to the ground.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Jungkook yelled infuriatingly.

"She pulled a gun on me!" Yoongi gasped, sounding extremely offended.

"Now how do you explain their deaths you dumb fuck? They were sent to investigate a mole and they turn up dead, so now more of them will be sent. You're gonna die for sure" Jungkook paced while gritting his teeth.

Meanwhile, Yoongi was slowly regretting pulling the trigger, not because it's bad to kill, but because the sibling's total disappearance would cause more problems.

"If you would have just kept your mouth shut you wouldn't be dead you dumb twat" Yoongi thought looking at Kai's dead body. The sole reason why he shot Kai was because he went for his precious Taehyung, absolutely no one gets away with threatening his sunshine.

"Whatever, let's get rid of bodies first" Jungkook muttered before tucking away his gun and walking towards the bodies. Yoongi followed right after him.


A week later:

Jungkook and Yoongi had totally moved on from the incident and were trying to come up with a reasonable plan to make their disappearance believable. Meanwhile, Jimin was having a hard time with himself. He had decided to stop for now, he didn't even want to visit homeland anymore. He felt like he was utterly alone in this world. Except, when Jungkook spent time with him, but even then, Jimin was actually lonely because he wasn't his real self.

Courtesy to Jimin, Jungkook had been too happy since there were no defeats at the battlefield. He simply chalked it up to the mole realising the entry of the investigators, who were currently dead but were smartly announced to be gone incognito by Jungkook. Still, there was a tiny inkling on who the actual mole is in the back of Jungkook's mind. He simply didn't want to believe himself. Especially now since everything seemed to flourish.

"Commander…" a man stood at his office door, and Jungkook motioned him inside, "...this came from the HQ" he placed a letter at his desk and retreated respectfully.

Jungkook frowned before picking up the letter and ripping it open. Despite seeing it thousands of times before, the VIP seal on it made Jungkook nervous. Regardless, he read it only to have his mouth hung open. It said the mole was caught and executed, at the HQ itself.

For some reason, Jungkook couldn't believe the mole lay at the main office, despite the high possibility. He sighed before stepping out into the outer balcony for a quick smoke. Once on the edge of the balcony—his favourite corner— he lit up his cigarette and inhaled deeply. Exhaling, he felt himself relax. Just then, he felt a magnetic presence below him. Therefore he looked down, only to find his husband, who motioned for someone to follow, who then turned out to be the brother. Jungkook frowned at his husband's secretive behaviour, so he extinguished his cigarette right there before going down.

Once he reached down in the garden, he found a thick bush to hide behind, which allowed him to stay hidden, while also allowing him to hear their conversation. Currently, they were exchanging pleasantries. He continued to listen until a sentence made him tense up.

"How is he?" He heard his husband ask, a sad tone lacing his voice.

"Good, he misses you" the Kim royal said.

"Tell him I miss him and I love him."

Hearing those words made Jungkook's heart drop into his stomach. Breathing became a strenuous ability.

"He sent you this" his ears perked up upon hearing paper rustling. Jungkook willed his shock away to peer through the bush to see Taehyung hand a letter to his husband.

"Oh you shouldn't have! It is risky" Jimin said before looking around, making Jungkook lean back out of sight.

"Don't worry about me, just write him back if you cannot come visit" Taehyung's voice sounded cheerful.

Contrarily, Jungkook felt all but cheerful. His mind was racing wildly and he just couldn't bear to hear more so he silently retreated and fled the garden.

Once inside and all the way up into his bedroom, Jungkook leaned back against his door.

"He is having an affair..." Jungkook whispered to himself, his heart shattering unknowingly.




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