"Yes?"She asked.


"Are you going to come help us move them in?"She asked smiling.She nodded.Sam hugged his mom and dad.


"Are you ready?"Mama asked.


"I have to get my shoes."Brenda ran up the stairs.On the second flight of stairs, she fel.She  hit the floor hard.


"OW!"she exclaimed then started laughing.

"You okay?"Sam asked.Brenda was still  laughing.The adults were behind him.


"Yeah,that hurt my butt though."She said,still giggling.He held his hands out and helped her up.She rubbed her butt."There's gonna be a bruise though,"


"You have got to stop running up the stairs."Sam said grinning.He kissed her cheek and said,"I'll go get your shoes."He walked up the stairs.Brenda  looked at mama,then Mary.


"Your son is awesome."She said.


"He is,isn't he?"He came back down with her  shoes.

"I know I'm awesome."Sam mumbled so only she could hear. She giggled.

"Is Sam and Stacy up yet?"Mary asked.

"I just woke them up.They were curled up under the covers in Sam's bed together.I told him that someone was cooking pancakes and bacon and he woke right up.He said that he'd be down in a few minutes,along with Stacy."They nodded.Dwight started fixing the plates as Sam came down the stairs with bed head and Stacy on his back,who also had bed head.

"That's some major bed head, Sam." Puck said. Sam glared at him, which made Puck laugh.

"Good morning,you sleepy heads!"Mary said and kissed Stacy's forehead and Sam's cheek.Sam started helping his dad fix the plates and helped hand them out.Before everyone started eating,Pa said grace and we began eating.

"So,what are we doing today?"Brenda asked.

"Well,I invited Ryder,Rachel,Finn,Puck and Quinn to go to the mall with us around 1 O'clock."Melody answered,before sticking a piece of bacon in her mouth.She nodded.

Brenda fast forwarded it again.

Sam put  Snowball in Brenda's lap and stretched.He saw her looking at his abs.He sat down beside her and whispered something in her ear. Her eyes widened and she blushed and looked away.He put his finger on her chin and made her look at him.He smiled.

"You're beautiful when you blush."He kissed her.


"Thanks Sammy."She said when they  broke for air.Mary and Donna smiled at us.


"So,what are we doing today?"Sam asked Mary. She looked at Donna.


"The four of us are going to Wal-mart!"Mom exclaimed.Brenda giggled.


"Awesome.I want to get Stacy another barbie house since we had to sell the old one,and I want to get Stevie some more action figures and a few other things."Sam said.They nodded.

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