Spring Break Part 1

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Chapter 57

Brenda's POV

Early Sunday morning, everyone was at Brenda's house, there bags all packed, ready to go. They're just waiting on Mary and Donna to get back from the store, since the had volunteered to go buy food for them for the week.

"The cabin is big enough for 16 people right?" Rachel asked for the hundredth time that day.

"Yes, Rachel." The boys said. I rolled my eyes at them. I got up from my spot with Sam and sat beside her.

"There's plenty of room Rach. I promise. There are two rooms, each room has two beds."

"That's only 4 beds though?"

"Yeah, which is why we have 4 air mattresses."

"Oh, okay."

"And the rooms are big, so is the living room." I told her. She smiled."Plus, there's a hot tub and pool, but I did't tell the boys that!" I whispered. She laughed and high fived me." And we are totally going to have some girl time this week!"The other girls, who I didn't think were paying attention, squealed and agreed with us, scaring the boys, who jumped.

Third Person POV

When the girls squealed and scared the boys, Brenda and Chord looked at each other and smiled. Chord's so sweet, she thought to herself, looking at the floor, especially when he let me hold his hand when I was sick, and tried to make me feel better. She didn't even realize that she was thinking these things. Chord was thinking about her at the same moment, not realizing it. Her hair is so soft, and she's so nice, he thought.


Brenda and Chord sat in the back seat of Sam's truck, dancing to the radio while Mercedes and Sam sat in the front looking at them in the rear view mirror like they were crazy as hell.

"What are you two doing?" Sam asked.

"We're dancing! Duh!" They said at the same time and started laughing. Mercedes and Sam looked at each other and shook their heads. A few minutes later, they reached the lake but didn't see the Cabin yet.

"This place is awesome." Chord said. Brenda, who could barely see it, unbuckled and leaned over his legs to look out the windows.

"Cool!" She exclaimed and leaned back again. Then she looked out the back window to see if everyone was behind them. Everyone was in separate cars. Brenda got out of the truck when he stopped and quickly ran to the front door and unlocked it. She opened the door and used the little door opener thingy to keep it open so they could bring everything in. While everyone was outside, getting everything together to bring inside, Chord was helping Brenda put the food away.

"Hey, what time is it?" She asked. He looked at his phone.


"Damn, will you throw me the ketchup?" She asked. He picked it up and tossed it to her, whereas she caught it with one hand. Awesome, Chord thought as he put a couple of cans of drink in the fridge.

"I'm definitely going swimming after this." He said.

"Me too, it's hot as hell outside." She said agreeing with him. Puck walked in with two huge boxes.

"What the hell do you have in their, Puck?" Sam asked following him in. Brenda walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek, then hopped on the counter beside him.

"Beer, wine coolers, whiskey, any kind of alcohol you can think of, duh."

"Dude, were not old enough for that, I thought you finally realized that when we were caught drunk at school for the performance, even though it was Rachel's fault, and Brittany puked all over her?" Sam said. Brenda snorted.

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