16 | A Machine Called Hope

Start from the beginning

"Please... Don't do anything stupid," she said.

He stared at her before wrapping her with his arms, pulling her close.

"Okay." That was what he told her, but he couldn't promise her that he wouldn't go and face the androids.

Trunks had to use his hovercar capsule to bring his groceries home because he ended up bringing a lot of things because the villagers thought that he was Tenten's boyfriend and had to eat a lot to be stronger. Glancing up to his house, he could only sigh when he saw the hole in the upper part of his semicircle-shaped house. His mother decided not to fix it in the meantime because the androids might end up blowing it again. Hoisting the groceries on his shoulder, he turned the car back into its capsule form and went into the basement they were living in.

"Kaa-san, I'm home! I managed to get a lot of good groceries from the harvest festival today," he said.

"Welcome back, Son! Oh, what a gem!" Bulma said while seeing the groceries in the box. "Guess what, Son. We've got just about enough energy charged in the time machine for a round-trip journey. This will be enough to let you go about twenty years into the past. It took nearly eight months to charge it this much; too bad, we can't test it. It will get you there and back safely. If only my lab hadn't been destroyed, I could have made it a lot better."

He was staring at the time machine and true to his mother's words, the rocket-shaped machine was so close to finishing. '1' emblazoned every side of the jet, represented itself as the first of its kind. The first time machine his mother ever created, no, the first one in the universe.

It probably would take another five months until the machine was ready and Trunks couldn't wait until then.

"Kaa-san, with the strength I have now, I think it's enough to defeat the Androids. I shouldn't need to go to the trouble of traveling into the past and learning from them."

"Trunks," Bulma frowned deeper than ever, "You surely become a lot stronger now, but you haven't forgotten how they killed Gohan three years ago, right? There won't be much difference between the way you are now and the way he was three years ago."

"But, Kaa-san—"

"The androids are now attacking Bridgetown Area! To all people living nearby, please make your way out! I repeat..."

"It's not very far from here..." Trunks muttered.

Bulma quickly stormed her way and grabbed her son by his arms. "N-now hold on, Trunks. Don't get any crazy..." she stuttered.

"I'll be back. I'm going to show you I can beat them!" he took the sword he laid on the table and stormed his way out of his house.

"Trunks!! Wait!!" Bulma chased after him, but he ignored her.

She couldn't follow him when he kicked his feet on the ground and buckled his sword belt around his back. "Gohan-san, Goten, and everyone else, I will avenge you this day! You just wait and see what's coming, Androids!!" he turned into Super Saiyan and make his way to androids' place. "I will end this for you, Tenten... I will free from all of these nightmares!"

Seeing her son vanished from her sight, Bulma quickly grabbed her phone and pressed five to speed-dial to Son's resident.

"Hello, Son's resident here," Tenten answered from the other side of the phone.

"Tenten! It's Trunks! He's..." Bulma swallowed the ball that was holding her throat, "he's going alone to face the androids right now!"

Tenten widened her eyes, feeling her heart was thudding with an immense strength that clouded her vision with the darkness. The memories of Goten and Gohan's death were replayed like a flash inside her head. Suddenly, it was hard for her to breathe.

Book 1: Of Space, Sky, and Time | A Dragon Ball FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now