Chapter 8- Wait, what?

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Izuku slowly turned back to leave and gather Kacchan, if he was still there at all. Better one prisoner was taken than neither, right? He knew he couldn't take on Todoroki on a one on one battle, especially with his current state of mind. He thought it'd be best not to go after him. He took his first step back to the door successfully. But in his second, he suddenly froze. 

No, he was frozen. Ice encased his whole body, excluding his head, in a matter of seconds, He fell to the floor with a harsh thump. Stabs of sharp cold ran through his body. It felt as though he was being stabbed over and over by coldness itself. With blurry eyes, he saw a red-and-white figure pick him up and drag him away. He couldn't see much but the ground and he was growing numb from the ice surrounding his body. 

Izuku would shiver if he could shiver, but he couldn't move at all. He was cold. Like he went outside naked in the snow or jumped into the Arctic ocean. At first, the pain was unbearable, and he screamed in agonizing pain. But his body quickly grew numb and he then couldn't feel anything. The blurriness of his eyes only grew in intensity until he could hardly see anything at all except the fast-approaching unconsciousness. The last thing he thought before he allowed himself to go under was-

What's Shigaraki going to think?



Izuku was slapped in the face, forced into an awakened state. He flickered his eyes open to see two boys standing in front of him. Katsuki Bakugou and Shoto Todoroki. He was sitting in a chair with his arms and legs tied to it, much like when he first arrived to the league of villains on that day over two months ago. He looked around. They seemed to be in something of an abandoned warehouse. He expected to be in a jail cell, or an interrogation room, or even surrounded by heroes, but instead, here he was. 

"I wanted to take you to the police like the rest of the villains." Todoroki seemed troubled by his decision. He bite his bottom lip, not meeting Izuku's eyes. "But Bakugou wanted to talk to you first. And I have to say, I'm interested, too."

"I'll get the quirkless loser to tell me everything he knows!" Bakugou muttered angrily.

"You're more of an idiot than you used to be, Kacchan!" Izuku threw back his head and chuckled. "To think I'd tell you anything about the league." Instead of responding, the spiky-haired boy grunted and kicked him in the gut, causing his chair to fall to the ground. He coughed up blood onto the floor, and then looked up at Kacchan with a grin. 


"You're falling apart over me," he smirked. "Aw, are you that guilty? I know you are. You turned me into this, after all. Picture that; Kachan: the pro-hero-to be, the one who bragged about his quirk since he was four, created the world's worse villain."

He paused for effect before finishing his little monologue. 

"The villain who will kill All Might."

Bakugou's face lit up in surprise, surprise that he quickly tried to mask, but didn't go unnoticed. He pretended not to care about his words, not letting him see how much they affected him. "Damn Deku! You wish you could kill All Might. Your plans failed, what are you going to do now?"

"Shut up, Bakugou," Todoroki warned in a low, serious voice. "Deku, I want you to tell me why you joined the League of Villains."

"What?! This is a waste of time-," Bakugou began one of his rants but was quickly cut off.

"He had his knife out but he didn't hurt me," Shoto said in a distant tone. "When he first caught me he said he'd hurt me but he never did. Why? I think there's good in him. I want to find it."

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