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you and mackenzie reached the school.
"woah, this school is amazing" "ha, you wish" we both registered and we walked into the school. there were all types of princesses. there were even some princes! each of you were given a microchip to put in your phones. when you turned on your phone, a new screen showed up and a computer voice started talking. "good morning, ms park, you will be partnered with ms mackenzie kim. please choose a vacant room and place your belongings inside. available rooms are rooms 912, 124, 309, 218, 103, 123, and 901 in the west wing. please follow the arrow to go to the west wing." you followed the arrow and chose room 123. in the room was a double decker ed bed, a tv and two tiaras, and lockers. you put your stuff in the locker and sat down on the bed. "i think i'm going to enjoy this." a servant came into your room suddenly. "mackenzie kim, i think you have come into the wrong room. you are a royal princess next in line for the throne and you have the princess room. mackenzie was confused "but i'm not next in line-" she saw the princess room with a shiny pink gate and walk in wardrobes. "actually, i think i am." i followed mackenzie into the room and adored the long dresses and high heeled shoes. i wanted to wear them but they were only for the NIL princesses (next in line) "i like this place." mackenzie said. she walked into the master bedroom and saw a tall woman on the throne. "who are you?!" the woman beckoned. "who are you?!" mackenzie asked back. the woman was the queen, and mackenzie, NOT her daughter just waltzed into her room. the woman clapped her hands "SECURITY" she said. and three armed men took me and mackenzie away. i managed to wriggle out of the men's grasp and run back to my room. what do i do now? i thought. i quickly opened my phone and searched "what happens when you walk into the princess room not being a NIL princess" oh shit. "what the hell is the child's place??!" i went to images. oh fuck. mackenzie was going to the child's place, which was a class for TODDLERS and they would be SEVENTH IN LINE ??

sorry if it sucks, my friend found this story like when i wrote the first chapter so let's make a fake name for her.. HI uhh.. jIMINS GIRLFRIEND FRIEND HI HI PLS LIKE THIS I LUV U

princess rivalry  || p.jmWhere stories live. Discover now