He burst into the room startling a certain light brunet.

Namjoon beamed at the sight if his Hyung but it fell into a confused frown once again when he noticed the panicked state his Hyung was in while carding through the walk-in closet they shared.

"Jinnie- hyung? Is something wrong? Are you in trouble?"

"No, Joonie- ah- I just..." Jinnie stopped in his endeavor taking the time to blush, shaking his head. "Rose invited me to dinner and..."

Namjoon lit up, "she invited you to dinner?! That's wonderful!" He said like he already knew. "I can help you pick out an outfit!"

"That's fine, Joonie, but..." Jin went over to his queen-sized bed and flopped stomach-first down and groaned in misery.

Namjoon dropped the Sailor Moon dolls he had been playing with on the floor and raced over to his hyung. "What's the matter then, Jinnie?"

"I just..." Jin started sitting up and tucking his legs in his arms in a fetal position. "I want to look pretty for tonight and I don't know how to do...pretty...stuff."

"Pretty stuff?" Namjoon tilted his head. "You mean dresses? I'm sure Jiminie has some dress-"

"No! Not dresses!" Jin grabbed a pillow and smothered his own face in it, his face beginning to glow a bright red almost non-human hue. He muffled something in embarrassment.

Namjoon put his head next to the pillow and tried to look under it. "What?"



Jin sighed and mumbled it again louder before Namjoon started to get annoyed with his older brother. The light brunet boy huffed and tugged the pillow from under his hyung's head, striking him on the back with it.

"I can't help you if I don't understand, Jinnie."

"Makeup, okay!?" Seokjin sat up suddenly and glared at Namjoon, a harsh flush of pink across the crown of his nose. "I can't do makeup!"

He flopped back down on his face and groaned.

Namjoon seemed unperturbed by his hyung's melodramatic ways and lit back up with a bright smile once more, enlightened. "Oh! I know what to do!" Namjoon jumped up from the bed and tugged some baby blue mid-thigh shorts on before making his way towards their door. "You stay here! I'll be right back with a solution!"

A few minutes of Jin wallowing in his own histrionic woes until he felt a slight tap on his butt and looked up to find Namjoon smiling down proudly at him and a pink-haired tsundere at his side. "I brought Yoonie to help you with your makeup!"

Yoongi was grumbling and his hair was frazzled. His eyes were half open and squinting. He looked like Namjoon had just tugged him from sleep, something only Namjoon could do.

Jin whined, "He won't help me..."

"Yes, I-... Why the fuck would I have come if I won't help you?"

"...you don't wanna help me..."

"Shut up and take my generosity." Yoongi rolled his sleepy eyes and grabbed his hyung's chin in his nimble fingers, turning his head so he could survey him. "We might not be the same shade but I can work around that. You don't have many blemishes or problematic areas. This shouldn't be hard."

Yoongi released Jin's face and looked around the room. "What time is the date?"

The eldest brother flushed and put his head down fiddling with his hands. "I- it's not a date, she's just being- "

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