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"You all did exceptionally today

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"You all did exceptionally today. Keep up the good work. Be sure to work on that solo, Jackson."

Jackson Wang nodded at her and began to collect his things, before making his way out of the room.

Hoseok pouted. Jackson always got the solos.

Hobi is a much better dancer than Jackson. Hobi should be getting solos.

Hoseok gasped at his own thoughts. That was mean. Jackson was just as talented a dancer as he was. He had worked for those solos. Hoseok didn't get them because he wasn't a "student" of the academy.

He continued to pout. Even if he wasn't going to be part of the recital, he still wanted recognition. He was a pretty decent dancer. CL has told him she saw potential in his movements. He learned fast too.

He heard a few knocks on the mirror from the main dance room.

"Hoseok-ssi, you can come out now," CL said from the other side. Hoseok was momentarily confused, forgetting where he was, too busy being jealous.

"Oh, I-I'm sorry, Noona." Hoseok came from the other side quickly to talk to his teacher.

"Aish, don't apologize so much, Hoseok-ssi. You're too submissive, you'll never get a girlfriend like this." She tossed him her bag after retrieving her keys and made her way out the door, Hoseok following closely behind with her things. "And don't call me noona, ah?"

"But why Noo- Chae-rin-ssi? D-Does it upset you?" Hoseok paused behind her so she could turn off the lights before she began walking towards the entrance.

"No..." Chaerin sighed, running a hand through her hair, " It just makes me feel old. I'm not that much older than you. Why do you call me that?" He helped her put on her coat and they both made their descent down the buildings three steps, Chae-rin locking the doors behind them.

"You are my Noona. And it is respectful." Hoseok, ever the gentleman, opened her car door for her and offered his hand which she elegantly took, stepping into her car. Hoseok put her purse on the passenger's seat.

"Thank you for taking me to my car." She smiled at him and started the engine. "Do you need a ride to your apartment?"

"Oh, no Noona." Hose ok declined her politely, "That's ok, it's not far I can walk."

Chae-rin frowned at him. "Hobi-ah, get in the car. It's too dangerous to be walking at night. The sun is about to set, you could be attacked."

He grinned radiantly at her, the sun's orange rays making his ivory skin glow. "I can handle myself just fine, Noona. Although, I've been walking back home for months now and nothing's happened. Besides, I like to watch the sunset."

"Alright fine," Chae-run relented. She always fell for his soft smile."But be careful, okay Hobi? Be aware of your surroundings, this is a bad neighborhood."

"I know." He closed the door, "Goodbye, Noona~" He waved at her and she grumbled, reluctantly driving away.

He smiled after her and began the walk back to his apartment.

"....Be aware of your surroundings...."

He knew to do that, of course. We're all taught that as a child.

He looked at his watch.

'6:50' it read.

The sunset should be in process.

He looked west and gasped.

It was indescribable.

He was lost in it.

✷ . * · · ✧ * · + * ˚ . * * ˚ . * . ✫ + · .✷ . * · ✧ * ·

As night approached and was suddenly upon him. Hoseok was lost in the hues of the sun, its image burned into his mind. He had never beheld something so beautiful and sacred. He was happy to have witnessed it. He walked in a foreboding shadowed alley.

He was startled from his daydreams by the furious rattling of a trash can. Hoseok was a step away from his apartment building. He looked on his doorstep, his home being on the first floor, to find an empty bowl.

So Pancake had eaten.

Another bang from the trash cans. Hoseok had to get by it to get into his apartment.

He scooted his body against the brick wall, trying to be farthest away from the ominous moving trash bin.

It stopped rattling.

Hoseok stopped moving, afraid of provoking it somehow.

The bin burst open and something lunged at Hoseok's eyes.

Hoseok shrieked and tossed whatever it was to the ground. His fight or flight was kicking in and he didn't know what to choose, so he flailed around in desperate panic. His sad attempt to protect himself was disrupted by noise.


He stopped panicking and opened his eyes, which were already tearing up from how startled he was.


A black and white calico cat with bright green irises waved its tail at him in anger.


As if saying to Hoseok 'How dare you throw me, heathen.'

"I'm so sorry, Pancake! You just scared me! I didn't know it was you. Come here girl~" he cooed and went to pick up his cat.

She hissed at him again and got into an attack stance.

"P- Pancake?" He came closer to her and she screeched in anger, before sprinting away.

He sighed. He hoped she'd be back. He couldn't stand the thought of losing her forever.

He felt a large hand on his shoulder and muzzle of a gun pressed against the nape of his neck.

She wasn't hissing at him. She was hissing directly behind him.

A low gruff voice spoke amongst the seemingly deafening silence.

"Hey there, pretty boy."

He felt a strong hit to his head and fell to the ground. He heard two other gruff male voices laugh at him as his vision began to fade.

"Call a car and get this one to Lee. Someone is sure to pay a good amount for this one."


With the last of his strength and consciousness, Hoseok looked up and about 15 feet away, he had a witness.

Before everything faded to black, the last thing he saw was his calico cat's deep emerald eyes watch him get taken away.

Everything he'd ever loved was taken away.

Everything he'd begged for,

slipping through his fingers.

✷ . * · · ✧ * · + * ˚ . * * ˚. *. ✫ + · .✷ . * · ✧ *

Forgive me. I haven't seen a sunset in so long and it's been weeks since my last encounter with a cat.

Final chapter for Hoseok's introduction/prologue

Who should I introduce next?

I need you all to vote and tell me who's next so I can write the next chapter:


Seokjin 💜




until next time -


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