Chapter 8: Strength For Protection

Start from the beginning

"So you are implying that erasing humanity has made you a person." Lucian said sarcastically. "Salem, even when I have the Scepter of Light, it still has many serious consequences within it! It cost me my personality! I would rather lose my persona than my own life!"

"Hmph. That is exactly what you said before we fought the very first time." He said as he turned his back towards him and crossed his arms. "Let me ask you this, Lucian; Why did you choose Luigi as your vessel?"

"...He has more light than the sun itself." He answered. "He shares his loyalty with others, relies on people and can earn their trust. But most importantly...He shares his bond with his brother. He has risked his life many more times than his brother has to keep him clinging to life."

"Interesting.." He muttered to himself.

"Now answer me this, Salem; Why have you chosen Mario as your vessel? Is it his personality? His pain?"

"..." Salem stayed silent for a moment before he held his hands to his sides. "...He carries a darkness more powerful than the Dark Star itself."

"What do you mean?"

"When I first saw Mario, I immediately noticed a very powerful darkness within his heart. It's not only his negative emotions, it is his pain, lust, but most's what he's done to his brother."

"What?" Salem faced Lucian as a small smirk formed on his face. "All those times he left him behind, claiming the spotlight for his heroism when his brother was there all those times, even when people could not remember Luigi's name...that was what he has done. He has carried his brother's hurt within his heart. He says he doesn't mind it...but we both know he does."

Lucian's hands clenched into fists as his teeth grit in anger.

"Mario carried the greatest hurt of all in the entire kingdoms. He carries the hurt of his brother. I can't tell whether that was a choice...or a mistake."

Lucian growled as two long blades made from light formed in his hands and he yelled as he ran at Salem. He smirked as he disappeared as Lucian swung where he was standing. He quickly looked around for him. He quickly and sensed he was behind him, and Salem's arms were shrouded in darkness as his hands were replaced with long claws. Lucian put his blades up blocking him as Salem landed on them, and pushed off of them as he landed back on the ground.

Salem had a sadistic smirk on his face as his eyes radiated dark violet flames. Lucian had a glare on his face as his eyes radiated light orange flames. They stared at each other for a moment...before Lucian charged at him. Salem dodged out of the way as he grabbed his foot and slammed him to the ground. Lucian jumped back onto his feet, and swung his blades at him as Sakem dodged them with ease, but he couldn't dodge the last hit and he screamed in pain as the light of the blade at the tip hit his arm as he put his hand on it as it smoked a little.

"Reflexes cannot protect your arm." Lucian stated. "It's darkness." Salem shook his arm a little to ease the pain as he glared at him.

"You have turned yourself into a monster only so you could achieve more power." Salem's claws became a little more sharper as he grit his teeth.

"...Look who's talking." He remarked. And he yelled as he clawed at him, but he moved out of the way, but he scratched him in the chest as he screamed in pain. Lucian growled as he swung both his blades, creating a wave of light at him, but Salem smirked as vanished in darkness. Lucian quickly looked around for him, but he could hear his voice echoing in the darkness.

"You were much stronger than this, Lucian. What happened to you that caused you to become this weak? Did passing on your power really take away this much of your strength?"

"...I do not care about my strength." Lucian said. "It is only about skill and triumph. I do not have a lust for power. I have a lust...for victory."

"Those plumbers will give you victory? You rely on hope too much, Lucian. What was it you said to me? Light can shine within the past? Well, what about darkness? Once I have them see the true pain of your plan...let's see how long they can still have their will to live."

"N-No.." Lucian's eyes widened in fear...until they turned into anger. "NO!! I refuse to accept this insolence, Salem! I refuse to let you destroy this world using darkness!"

"I'm not going to destroy this world." Salem said as he appeared seven feet away from him. "I only plan to make it see how leadership plays in it."

"NO!" Lucian pointed one of his blades at him, and the tip of it became shrouded in light as a ray of light blasted towards him, but Salem only put his clawed hand out, and it disappeared as Lucian gasped as his eyes widened.

Salem then put both his hands out, and charged a beam of darkness as Lucian tried to stand on his feet, but winced in pain as he fell on his knees, using his blades for support.

"Let's see if you're hopeful enough to handle THIS!" Salem released it towards him, and Lucian closed his eyes as he waited for it to hit him. Until...


A bolt of thunder hit the beam as it caused it to dissipate. As Lucian opened his eyes, he saw a figure standing in front of him as they had their arms out beside him protectively. Lucian smiled in relief seeing who it was.

"Luigi...?" He glanced down at him and smiled as he nodded his head.

"You saved me. So, I gotta return the favor, right?" He said. Luigi then looked at Salem who had a glare on his face.

"Coming back to help him is a terrible mistake, Luigi." He said. "Why not run away while you have the chance before I end your pathetic life?"

Lucian looked at Luigi's hands, and he saw they were shivering a little. Not from the coldness of the woods...but from his fear.

"...I-I may be scared.." He admitted...until it turned into determination. "But that d-doesn't mean...I'm g-going to let you hurt m-more people."

"Hmph. Loyalty. The one trait that can lead you to death."

"Wrong!" Lucian looked up, and he saw another figure land beside Luigi, and to his surprise...he had a raven black cloak as the tip of it was torn.

"Mario...?" Lucian wondered.

"If there's a small chance on helping someone, it's still a chance worth taking!" He said to Salem. "I'm part of my brother's heart just like my heart's a part of his. You can't tear that apart!"

Lucian's eyes widened and he reached into his pocket as he took out a golden heart-shaped locket as he held it to his chest as he closed his eyes.

"Really? An unbreakable bond?" Salem asked in disbelief. "Even the most strongest bond can shatter so easily. If there really is light in a bond...darkness can surpass that bond, and make it break. If you try and protect more people, that will only make you weak.

Mario's hands clenched into fists as his right hand became shrouded in darkness. Salem noticed this and he smirked.

"Of course, it's always about protection." He said. "Why did I think this would make you understand?"

"I don't need to understand it." Mario said. "I just accept it!" He ran at Salem at full speed as he raised his hand into a fist. Salem smirked as he caught his fist, but Mario smirked as Luigi yelled as he punched him in the stomach as he gasped for breath and stumbled a little. Salem put his clawed hand on his stomach as he glared at them.

"If you want to play that game..." Salem floated in the air, and yelled as he released a dark aura around his body, as the same dark cloak Mario was wearing appeared around his neck and his eyes were fully white as they glowed from the darkness of the cloak. Mario and Luigi both got into a fighting stance as Salem floated above thek, determined to keep Lucian safe...and to keep him from hurting each other.

"Don't hold back."

Mario and Luigi: Darkness In LightWhere stories live. Discover now