"I'm sorry Sesshomaru, I can't..." I finally say.

Sesshomaru's eyes gazes into mine, no reaction, just calmness. My heart is beating so fast that I can hear it through my ears. Sesshomaru let's go of my chin gently, and my hand, then he retreats, I feel guilt course through my body but it's something that has to be done.

"There's no need to be sorry, like I said that night... you were never mine to begin with." He says softly.

Sesshomaru then turns and walks closer to the water, I watch his back as he stops. The bundle of fur on his shoulder trails behind him, he's alright with everything?

"Do you know why I brought you here?" He asks me.

"No..." I reply.

There's a reason as to why he brought me here, was he trying to help me with something?

"Remember what I said about this place creates sounds that only nature could make? The waves crashes in rhythm, one wave at a time. When I saw you earlier, your face held endless thoughts and uncertainty. The gentle waves of the sea can calm one's mind, and the sounds that it creates beats parallel to one's heart. I brought you here hoping that you can finally realize what you want and what you need to do in order to gain it. Let the gentle waves wash away the lies that are preventing you from seeing the truth." He explains to me.

My eyes goes wide in realization, Sesshomaru did bring me here to help me, help me figure out what I want and giving me the strength to see it through. I feel so grateful to him, I walk up beside him and I face him. I lower my head and my upper body, I give him a bow.

"Thank you Sesshomaru for doing this, I'm sorry that I did this when I promised you that I would try to make this work. But I realized that I love Naraku. I needed to let you know that, I didn't want to lie to myself or to you about my feelings." I tell him.

"Like I said, it's nothing to be sorry for. Love is beautiful, but it has its complications. Love is like flowers, they are all beautiful but some lasts for years when others only last for a fleeting moment." He says turning to face me.

Ours was fleeting indeed, but I believed it was beautiful when it existed. I nod in response with a smile.

"You love Naraku with all your heart don't you?" He asks me quietly.

"Yes, yes I do. I didn't know before, but I've started to have these unexplained feelings towards him lately, until I saw the sunrise and finally found my answer as to why I feel those feelings. It's because I love him." I tell him with a smile as I think of Naraku.

I look at Sesshomaru, his face is expressionless but it looks serene. He then reaches within his left kimono sleeve and pulls out something, he then opens his clawed hand and I see a cherry blossom flower and a red bracelet with a glowing white thread laced within it. My eyes goes wide as my eyes land on the bracelet, it looks like the same one that Naraku wore.

"Sesshomaru what are these?" I ask him looking up.

"These belong to you." He simply answers.

Mine? He said the bracelet is mine, so in the end Naraku's soulmate is me. I feel my heart beat in happiness as I think that, I take the items from his hand.

"But why are you giving them to me now?" I ask him confused.

"Because you finally love Naraku again even after losing your memories. The cherry blossom flower isn't just any cherry blossom flower, it never wilts... like your undying love for Naraku." He says explains the flower.

"And the bracelet? What is this glowing thread?" I ask him.

"This thread is the remaining fragment of your memories of Naraku." He tells me.

Fleeting Embraces, Falling Feelings ~ Naraku X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now