And had not really moved a muscle. It was getting pretty dark but that could also be because it was starting to look like it was about to rain.

There were lights on in the house, based on what he could see through the curtains. So he knew they were home. 

Come on, do it. You have to do this. 

It's been years. 

He raised his hand up to knock on the door.

If you can't be strong and do it, at least do it for Liechtenstein. Your baby sister.

That got him going.

He knocked on the door.

........ Nothing

Should he go again?

Or maybe he should leave.

His heart was just pacing.

What if they purposely didn't open the door?

What if-

The door suddenly opened.......

And there was a squeal. 

And there she was, Liechtenstein was staring at him with tears streaming down. His beautiful baby sister, he had missed her so much. 

His heart started to feel like it was becoming full again.

Thunder boomed but they didn't care.

Liechtenstein made a move to launch herself at him but suddenly arms reached out and pulled her back. 

And he started to feel so alone as he came into eye contact with his brothers.

Liechtenstein looked so heartbroken as Switzerland gently restrained her from sprinting to Germany.

Austria was in front of both of them.. looking at Ludwig with his arms crossed.

The Austrian took in Germany's appearance. He changed..... something was different and it wasn't just the clothes.

It started to rain but no one moved.

Ludwig kept up with the stare of his older brother, he was going to show him he changed. That he was ready.

And wouldn't hurt this family again.

Tired of being kept from so many members of her family. Liechtenstein launched herself from Switzerland's arms, pass Austria and into the arms of Germany. She knocked into him so hard, they both went tumbling down.

Ludwig couldn't help but put his arms around his baby sister as she cried- no- sobbed into his chest painfully.

She missed him so much.

And vice versa.

"Don't leave," She begged, "Don't make him leave." She was talking to their older two brothers, "Not again."

The way she had said that last line, shook all her brothers.

Germany rubbed her back to sooth her, no one cared about the rain right now. They were all getting soaked but that didn't matter. 

Sobs that were rocking her small body were slowing down but didn't stop completely. She sniffled looking up at him with teary eyes and he kissed her cheek and hand her the roses still in his right hand.

"I'm not going anywhere," He whispered, holding her tightly.

The older two walked down to the other two and Austria put his jacket over their sister. "We should get inside."

"I'm not going without Luddy," Liechtenstein whimpered.

He gave her a small smile and looked at Germany, making eye contact with his baby brother and giving him a nod.

"I was expecting that," He softly spoke, "He wasn't going anywhere anyway."

He hadn't shown it as much as his sister, but... He was tired of the separation too. He hadn't been trying to be the bad guy by sending away Germany years ago and cutting off all contact with him. But he had been trying to protect his family.

It felt like they were still so fresh from war and he hadn't known if he could trust his brother. Not in that moment.

But now he knew.

Now he was sure.

Germany's eyes widened as Austria stretched his arm out to him and held out a hand. He looked at Switzerland, who was  watching the whole exchange. Switzerland gave him a nod and helped Liechtenstein up.

Germany couldn't believe this, this was happening. After years.... this.... was happening. 

He felt himself shake, as he stretched out his own arm....

And took Austria's hand.


And reunion that should of happened chapters ago!!!

Fun fact: This story was not suppose to have been so long. There was suppose to be a Germanic reunion and the family building their relationship back up again so it should have ended a long time ago. 

But it went off script.

My stories love to do that sometimes.

So now, there's probably going to 5 chapters left before this is done.


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