Judicial Talks

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With the statement given, the trial was ready to begin A few days later. Both Yamada and Aizawa were present, however Shouto was to attend school as normal, which he wasn't annoyed about at all. He's not bitter. The trial started at 9am sharp.

"Your honour, my client is the paternal father of the child. We petition that my client be given reasonable access to the child." Enji's attorney began his opening statement.

"Your honour, my client took this child in due to unsuitable conditions in the home involving abuse and neglect. They would like full custody of the child in accordance with fostering rights." Aizawa and Yamada's lawyer opened. The judge nodded and took a breath.

"Will the accused please come to the stand?" he commanded. On cue, Enji stood and held his hand next his head in preparation for his oath.

"I solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that the evidence I shall give will be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth." he promised. The judge nodded and the ex-hero sat down in his seat behind the stand.

"Proceed." the judge said.

"Mr. Todoroki, are you the natural father of Shouto Todoroki?" The attorney asked. Enji nodded.

"Yes, I am." he replied.

"And how can you be certain of this?" he continued.

"I mean, I was present at the child's conception, and birth. You also had me take a DNA test that confirms that I'm the father." Enji answered, slightly sarcastically.

"I would offer that the test results has evidence that Mr. Todoroki is the father and natural guardian of the minor." the attorney presented a small stack of papers to the judge. The judge takes a moment to read over the information before giving his assent, "Mr Todoroki, are you the main caregiver of the child?" he questioned.

"Objection, misquoting." Aizawa and Yamada's lawyer snapped, standing abruptly.

"Sustained." the judge said.

"Until you were arrested, were you the main caregiver of the child?" he rephrased.

"Yes." Enji replied curtly.

"Do you have evidence of this?" the attorney asked.

"Yes. Every receipt for everything ever bought for my son is in my name." the attorney nodded and turned to the judge.

"No further questions, your honour." Aizawa and Yamada lawyer's comes up to the stand.

"Mr Todoroki, have you ever had anger issues?" Enji shifted in his seat.

"Not that I'm aware of." he replied vaguely.

"Do you think you have ever been violent or aggressive when you shouldn't have been?" the lawyer asked, only to be interrupted almost immediately.

"Objection, leading." the defence barked.

"Sustained." the judge's reply followed.

"I will rephrase the question. Have you ever been excessively violent or aggressive at work?" he asked gruffly.

"When I was newer to hero work-less experienced-yes." the hero admitted.

"Was this ever resolved?" there was a pregnant pause in the room, a second too long for comfort.

"I don't understand the question." Enji said. The lawyer nodded.

"Were you given classes that addressed this aggressive behaviour?" he repeated, with the added detail. Enji nodded this time, affirmatively.

"Yes. I was." he answered.

"Did you complete the classes?" he asked. Again, confident nods followed.

"Yes. I did." he replied. The questions just kept coming.

"When did you take these classes?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

"Twelve years ago, give or take." the lawyer nodded, allowing the room to absorb the information.

"Have you had any violent or aggressive incidents at work after your completion of the classes?" he asked. Enji shook his head, eyebrows furrowed, the flames flickering with the movement.

"Not to my recollection." he answered honestly.

"We have evidence, after the completion of your classes, that you were aggressive towards a colleague. Do you remember this?" the lawyer kept going with his line of questioning.

"No. As far as I'm aware, I've never been violent or aggressive towards any colleagues." Enji responded, as expected.

"This lack of recollection suggests that you do not recognise what aggressive behaviour looks like. Do you know what aggressive behaviour is?" the lawyer continued to lead Enji along. The other nodded affirmatively.

"I do." he said.

"Describe it to me." The lawyer replied in kind.

"Your honour-" the defence began.

"Overruled." the judge cut the attorney off. Meanwhile, Enji was at a loss for words.


"Your honour, the accused cannot recognise aggressive behaviour." Aizawa and Yamada's lawyer claimed, "Mr Todoroki, have you ever been aggressive or violent towards your son, Shouto Todoroki?" nail-

"Only during training." Enji replied.

"Do you believe you have ever been excessively violent towards Shouto Todoroki?" he asked.

"No." the lawyer turned to judge.

"Your honour, the accused cannot recognise excessively violent behaviour. There is video evidence of excessive violence used against Shouto Todoroki. Mr Todoroki has not been responsive to anger management classes in the past, showing an inability to correct his behaviour. Therefore, Mr Todoroki will continue to be violent towards his son, putting him at risk. For these reasons, the accused is unfit to have parental rights to the child. No further questions." -meet coffin.

The school day was agonisingly slow. Shouto checked his phone every five minutes-until his phone was confiscated by Ectoplasm in maths just after lunch. And when he got it back at the end of the day, it was despairingly void of messages. He got home as fast as he could. No one was there. Waiting for the front door to open was worse than the whole day at school. Then finally, sound of a key being jiggled into a lock, the handle being pulled down, the latch dragging against the frame ever so slightly. Two men entered.

"Well?" Shouto breathed out in a whisper. The pair came within a metre of the boy.

"We won." Yamada said back, voice hushed. Shouto breath hitched in his throat before he grabbed the men tightly; an arm around each of their necks; his head slotted perfectly between theirs. He let go of that same breath as they came together.

"Oh my god-" he said, voice sounding wetter now, "-fuck." he felt Yamada grip tighter.

"Language." he berated, lacking any sternness. Shouto sniffled, and then laughed- airy, light and happy- finally happy.

Later that night, the trio were snuggled up on the sofa. Shouto turned to look at the pair during the adverts.

"Can I ask you something?" he asked timidly. Aizawa cocked his eyebrow.

"What is it?" he asked. The tv was now paused.

"It's more a request..."

A week later in homeroom, Shouto arrived, barely on time. Everyone took a seat as Aizawa walked in. He begun to take roll call.


"-here." Shouto responded, loud and clear; and the day started a new.

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