Winning Talks

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"Victory is a matter of timing," Yaoyorozu began, sprinting down an alleyway, "Aizawa-sensei was injured during the U.S.J incident. He can't use his quirk for as long as he used to." Shouto nodded, glancing behind for a second. His eyes caught on the off white fabric that chased them. Throwing his hand out, giant glaciers of ice erupted from his palm and stretched to the tips of his fingers until a barricade of crystalline water stretched ten stories high and at least three streets wide. He caught up to his partner- panting heavier now.

"What's that?" he said, coming to a stop. A greyish fabric flowed out of Yaoyorozu and bunched together on the concrete.

"It's similar to Sensei's capture weapon. When heated, this should return to its original shape," she began, now collecting said fabric in her arms, "we need to keep damage to a minimum because we're in a residential area. He's too fast for us to outrun, so we need to capture him. We'll get him where we want him and strike with-" she outstretched her arms, the bundle shifting slightly, "-this. Which is where you come in. You'll be the decoy while I launch this around sensei. Then, you use your fire to make it return to its original shape; capturing him. Lastly, we-"

"-handcuff him. Brilliant."

Shouto, in the company of a mannequin, bolted out from behind the ice wall. It worked like a charm. Within seconds the decoy was wrapped up in the off white capture weapon, whilst a greyish not-quite version was launched at him from the side.

"Now!" Yaoyorozu commanded. The flames engulfed the copy, not even aimed at Aizawa. A small moment of confusion from the insomniac was all the time they needed for the fabric to harden and constrict. He dropped to the floor and was handcuffed in the following seconds. Yaoyorozu looked at Shouto one last time. He glanced at her and managed a reassuring smile.

"You really are the smartest person I know. That was perfect." he (lied) said. She frowned.

"No it wasn't. I missed the trigger for the catapult the first time and almost cost us the whole fight." she said, staring at the ground.

"Almost. Yeah," the oceans threatened to overspill from her dam-like eyes, "but it didn't. We won." she breathed out a shaky sigh and looked back up at him; and she smiled again.

"Do you want to go watch the other fights?" she asked. He smiled back with a nod.

It was at some point during Izuku and Bakugou's fight, that they spoke again.

"Thank you." she whispered. His eyes didn't leave the screen, watching Bakugou punch Izuku as he spoke.

"I didn't do anything." he mumbled back.

"No, you-" she turned to him, ready to defend him.

"-You know, Izuku says that part of being a hero is putting your nose where it doesn't belong. But, I think another part is just keeping it where it is." he cut her off, staring at the screen; but not really watching.

"How ironic." she said bitterly, returning to the fight.

"Is it not more dignifying?" he asked, allowing a curious lilt to seep in to his gentle tone.

"Was it dignifying for you- before heroes stuck their noses in your business?" she retorted, however her voice seemed to lack the maliciousness that her words required.

"No." And therein lies your answer. The fight continued; and nothing more was said.

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