Easily Persuaded Talks

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The rest of Friday was fairly uneventful. Todoroki went home and spent the evening with Aizawa and Yamada watching tv. He stayed up until one o'clock texting Midoriya again, trying to go to sleep earlier than the previous day. Saturday came around and went quickly. No serious parent-child talks, no villain attacks and no bother from the media. Finally, it was Sunday; the one day a week Todoroki would have off school.

Todoroki found it weird. He was used to waking up early for a day of brutal training that wouldn't end until after dark. That Sunday, however, the boy woke up at 09:30, later than he had in years. He indulged in some chocolate spread on toast for breakfast and watched tv until midday, when the two adults of the house finally appeared.

"What do you want to do today?" Aizawa asked, looking at Todoroki. The boy shrugged and made a vague noise.

"Do you want to go out?" Yamada asked. Simultaneously, both males scowled, the older snorting with a grunt.

"No." Yamada rolled his eyes.

"Ok. Hm... Todoroki, you like chocolate right?" Yamada asked, already knowing the answer. The boy's eyes lit up again, now giving his full attention. Aizawa gave his husband a suspicious side glance.

"Yeah, it's my favourite." he said.

"How about we bake some brownies?" he asked. Aizawa turned, mouth opening to object.

"What are brownies?" Todoroki cut in before Aizawa could speak. His mouth shut again with a sigh.

'The kid's never had brownies. Maybe just this once...' he thought. Yamada gasped.

"You've never had brownies? That's it! We're making brownies." Yamada decided for them.

"Hizashi..." Aizawa said in a warning tone, not fully convinced.

"Oh give over Shouta. We'll make a small batch I promise." he gave a knowing look to his husband, "it'll teach him a lot too. He needs to learn how to cook some time, right?" Yamada said with a small pout. Aizawa rolled his eyes and leaned in for a short kiss on the lips, placing another on the mans forehead and resting his own against it.

"Fine, but I'm supervising." he said. Yamada gave a toothy smile and pecked the man on the lips again.

"Love you." he said softly.

"Love you too." the other replied endearingly, without hesitation. Yamada stood, turning to Todoroki.

"Ok, let's make those brownies. Have you baked before Todoroki?" Yamada said rounding the sofa.

"I struggle with toast."

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