Found. Chapter 4.

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Pidge has been missing for a week now and she was losing all hope. For the first two days she was locked up in the cell, the only light she saw was from the crack of the door. She sat in the corner of the dark, damp and cold cell waiting for her friends to come. She hardly had any sleep from fear of when the doors would open and  galra or worse would come in. After the two days passed the door finally opened letting light shine in the once dark cold cell, the light blinded pidge since she only been in the dark. A couple soldiers dragged pidge weaken body and took her to a torture room. The tired her arms and legs to the table before leaving her alone in the room. Pidge tried to look around and saw tools and some  galra tech. She wasn't gonna lie she was scared and wanted to cry but she had to stay strong just like her friends. 

Soon the door opened making pidge eyes widen with fear. "hello green paladin" haggar hissed as she walked over and pidge just glared at the witch. "tell me where your friends are" haggar ordered as she stood by pidge. "kiss my ass" pidge spat back. "tell me or I make you" haggar warned and picked up a sharp tool making pidge shiver a little. "never" pidge hissed back and closed her eyes knowing it was going to hurt. Pidge was stuck in the torture room for three days, haggar used everything thing possible to torture pidge and making sure it would be the worse pain she ever feel. After the third day of pidge still not giving up her friends or the castle she was dragged back to the dark cell. A day passed and pidge finally passed out and was sleeping, something she hasn't been able to do well while haggar tortured her. Soon Pidge reached the seven day since she was taken and a soldier dragged her to lotor who just smirked and looked the messed up pidge up and down.

"still not talking I see" lotor laughed and pidge just spat some of her blood at his feet making him hiss. "I like you, your really a fun one" lotor smirked and took one for the guards gun and the only thing that was heard next was pidge scream, she held back all her cries and screams until now. Lotor smashed pidge knee in breaking it with the gun before giving the gun back to the soldier. "that was a lovely sound, I wonder what your cries will sound like" lotor said with a evil smirk and started walking with the guards dragging pidge behind him. 


"shiro, we found her she in lotor room" hunk said over the mike as he looked at the cameras trying to find her. "shiro wait for us, we come back you up" Keith said with worry since shiro was the closet to pidge right now. "shiro, shit" lance hissed as they knew shiro was already running towards pidge. 

"I'm sorry Katie, please be ok" shiro begged as he ran as fast as his legs good.


"pidge" shiro whisper as he entered the room. "Katie" shiro said with worry as he noticed no one in the room and yet her tracker still showed her being inside. "shiro" pidge said sitting in a corner with ripped closed and hugging her arms. "Katie" shiro said with shock and ran over to her. "shiro, I didnt tell then I stayed silent but they" Pidge started to cry and shiro hugged her tight. "its ok, you did well your safe now, I wont let them touch you again" shiro said with worry and concern not letting go of the hug. 

"Pidge" lance said with a smile but frown when he saw Pidge body state. "come on we need to get out of here, lets go home" Keith said with a small smile and trying to calm the mood. "yeah, I dont want to be here anymore" Pidge cried and shiro carried her bridal style. "your safe now, I never let them touch you again" shiro said strongly and ran to his lion. "we clear to go" hunk said with a small smile and the four lions left the station as Allura and coran gave them cover from the castle. 


"did you find her" coran said with worry as they all climbed out of their lions and shiro walked over with a sleeping pidge on his chest and arms. "what did they do to her" hunk said with tears as he looked his small friend over. "she said she never told them anything, she took on everything they thought of it seems" shiro said with a frown and held back his tears. "we should get her to a pod, that help heal her up quicker" Keith said with a frown and shiro started walking again not giving pidge to anyone. 

"lets hope those pods work metal pain and not just the body" lance said with worry. "I'm afraid its doesn't work like that" allura said with a frown. 

"your going to be ok pidge" shiro said with a small sadden smile as he placed his hand on the pod she was sleeping in. Shiro didnt leave her side for the next two days just waiting for her to wake. Keith, lance and hunk sat with him for the first day but knew it was best to leave him during the second day. As they reached the third day the pod opened and Pidge came falling out with shiro catching her. "shiro" pidge said with a smile, she was glad to be back but more importantly she was glad to see him once again. "welcome back pidge" shiro smiled and hugged the smaller girl. 

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