Time For Miracles chapter 2

Start from the beginning

He told Isaac to wait for him at the coffee bar called "Paradise" where they had a coffee yesterday.

Isaac told Adam to put on as many clothes as he can and to take a blanket so he can cover himself with it in the car.

Adam agree'd with that and said that he'll arrive as soon as possible.

They hang up and Isaac drove to the coffee bar.

Because of their nervious-ness they couldn't stay calm in the car so they got out in to the cold November's night.

"I wonder what's Tommy doing now."

Taylor said.

"I just hope he's doing something, anything, but something".

"It's fucking killing me that we don't know If he's still alive or.." Taylor stopped himself. "I don't even wanna think about the other thing".

"It's killing all of us Taylor but we all must be strong now and look for Tommy until we find him. " Brooke said while patting Taylor's shoulder.

"And Im sure that Tommy is still alive, he's strong. We have to be positive, I know It's hard but we just have to be".

"If only some of us went with him, why did he went shopping all alone? ½ He could have fucking called me or anyone to go with him". Isaac was furious and he wished that he could turn back time.

He figured that Tommy didn't called them because he didn't want to inturupt their lunch and he knew that Tommy always had this thing that he was annoying people.

Either it was his family, friends he always thought that in some situations he was bothering them.

They all kept repeating to him that he was probably the last annoying person on the planet but he didn't want to listen.

"He could have just ignored the stupid voices in his head for once and fucking called but no Mr.-I-go-shopping-alone-even-when-Im-in-a-foreign-country just couldn't make a fucking quick call".

Isaac was already raising his voice in anger.

No one has ever seen him like this. He was always the smiling and cheery kind of type who was always making other people laugh.

Even early in the morning when they had a band practise for the show later on, when all of them could barely look and were in not such a good mood he was the one who was making jokes that they looked like "zombies who partied way too long½.

But this situation was different. His friend was somewhere out there in the middle of a town he didn't knew very well and the weather was just getting worser by the second.

"Calm down Isaac, please man don't spend your energy on things you can't change. It will be alright, we'll go and look for him when Adam comes and we will find him.½ I know we will. ½

Terrence said while trying to calm Isaac down.

"Im sorry guys for sounding like a jerk. I love Tommy like a brother and I can't even imagine that something bad happens to him".

"Sweetie It's okay and we all feel the same way. But since we unfortanetely can't turn back time, It's no use in spending your energy on the things you can't change" Sasha said to Isaac while carresing his cheek with her hand. "You are right I should try to calm down and save my energy for finding him".


After 20 minutes of waiting Taylor's phone rang.

It was Adam.

He couldn't find a cab servise that would send a cab for him because of the blizard that was now getting even worse.

And the cab service said that even though he was a celebrity they couldn't risk his safety and drive him in a blizard like this.

Time for miracles chapter. 1 ~Where stories live. Discover now