Q & A

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Hey guys! You've reached the final part, congrats! Haha

So by now, you have further questions about the book. I gotchu fam. I made a little guide and hope they would ease your confusion!

(Or if you weren't wondering at all, then I hope you find another book to read haha)

"Why are the poems created back in 2017? Not in 2019?"

~I made them exactly what the date says and just uploaded them lately. I was actually planning to post them during the said year but I didn't had the time. Mostly is that I was just lazy to put them all :P

"Do you have or have you created new poems from this year?"

~Maybe I do, maybe I don't. I'd say you just have to watch out for any updates ;)

"Who do you dedicate the poems for?"

~The people I used to have feelings for and one to my best friend. Occasionally, I just do poems without having to dedicate it to someone.

"Do you do any formats or styles when you write your poems?"

~I usually write in a quatrain or a 4-lined poem (and sometimes even more when I get carried away haha, making it a free verse). My rhyme schemes are frequently AAAA, AABB ABAB, and rarely ABBA and ABCB.

So I guess some of y'all wondering what those letters mean, it's just a sequence of how words rhyme in your poem.

*For example: An ABAB*

Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
I didn't knew there was bread
On table number two.

Red and bread rhyme as they become the A's. Then, blue and two are the B's. I think you know the gist.

"Are you planning to write another book?"

~Yep! I was planning to make the next book containing poems from 2018 (while this one was all from 2017). I hope y'all support it like you did in this book! :)

Thank you for reading! If y'all have any follow-up questions, feel free to hit me up!

UPDATE (03/29/21)

Hello, everyone! So if some are you wondering, especially to those who previously supported this book, what happened to the title and book cover? Fortunately, I had the time to edit and redesign the former; and as for the name, I've given the upcoming book titles according to the subject/genre of the poems including this one. (where I actually planned to name all of them, The Art of Epiphany book 1, book 2... in which I'm late to realize that it doesn't have much of an appeal)

But, why Nostalgia though? Well, aside from copying the title I used here in my poems, the fact that I made this in soooo long gave me the push to name this that way lol. Also, I was 15 when I wrote these, and looking back, this made me feel very nostalgic while cringing at how horrible I portray some of the poems. Ang mema ng iba, kung alam niyo lang.

I hope y'all still support some of my upcoming books! (Mostly are books of poem, of course. But possibly publishing a fiction book soon! I'm praying for a miracle to begin writing tho-) 

Oh by the way, if I wrote weird grammatical errors in my poems, I blame my 15-year-old self, although I blame my present self as well for not proofreading them lol.

Thank you for reading! Stay safe, everyone!


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