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depression | dɪˈprɛʃ(ə)n |

noun 1 [mass noun] feelings of severe despondency and dejection: self-doubt creeps in and that swiftly turns to depression.


As a Malaysian girl, my goal is simple. I would like to spread awareness about mental health, particularly in Malaysia. It is the cold hard truth that not a lot of people are educated about mental health in this country, as this topic is sensitive and people would rather mock the victim than help them. It is essential that mental health shouldn't be shunned upon, but rather to be embraced as a part of life.

The events written in this story is fictional, including the characters and some of the places, but the struggles that the protagonist faces is real.


befrienderskl hotline: 603-79568145
national suicide hotline (America): 1-800-273-8255
samaritans helpline (UK):  116 123


TRIGGER WARNING: depression, self-harm, an attempt of suicide, anger, drug abuse, self-harm

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