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"so what, you and harry are like friends now?" niall asked me confused. it had taken me approximately ten phone calls a day for two days, for him to finally pick up. he'd been very stubborn at first, but eventually he gave in and forgave me. he said it was because he couldn't stay mad at me for long, though i kind of knew that he'd only been jealous that i had spent more time with harry lately.

"uh yeah, i think so.." i said, pulling up the blanket that covered me. i was at niall's house, playing mario kart, or well, niall played, i just watched.

"you know he's bad news," he said, making a drastic u-turn in the game, and then sighing deeply when another driver passed him.

"he's not so bad, he's actually kind of nice to me," i responded. i didn't know why niall was so adamant to make harry look bad, harry had been nothing but nice to me.

"well he probably just wants to get in your pants. he's a player like that. you think he looks so sweet and innocent, and oh don't forget his natural charm and politeness too, and then he breaks your heart. just like that." he said sternly, and i furrowed my brows in confusion.

"he's not like that, he's my friend," i found my self defending him. niall sighed and rolled his eyes.

"that's his trick. you think he's your friend, then BOOM!" niall threw his xbox controller into the air as if to mimic an explosion, "you can kiss virgin mary bye bye, and hello to satan."

"that doesn't even make sense,"

"you don't even make sense." niall responded an patted himself on the back, probably because he thought his comeback was genius.

"that was legit the worst comeback ever,"

"you are legit the worst comeback ever." he said and once again, patted himself on the back. i rolled my eyes at him.

"what are even talking about?"

"i'm just saying, i wouldn't get too close to him. it's just bound to go wrong, and someone will end up hurt in the end. that someone being you, most definitely." i frowned at his words, i knew he meant well, but still. i quickly shook those thoughts away, i knew i'd just overthink everything if i didn't.

"where is he anyway?" i asked out of curiosity. he did live here after all, yet i hadn't seen him all day as he didn't show up for school either.

"with some girl i guess. or boy." niall shrugged and i found myself frowning yet again. "he was out partying last night and he's not here now, you do the math." niall continued and i decided to ignore his snarky comments about it.

thinking about it, there had to be an explanation for it. i refused to think of harry as an arrogant asshole who played others to make himself feel good. it didn't make sense, i mean he was so sweet and nice to me, niall had to be wrong.

it was a quite uneventful afternoon to say the least. i sat on niall's sofa all day and just watched him as he had his angry outbursts. he constantly shouted things like "that's cheating you fucker!" or "my game is so fucking slow, that's why i'm not winning." although i was not exactly sure how you'd be able to cheat in mario kart, guess there's some things i'll never understand.

it was fascinating really, how niall looked so cuddly, yet he screamed and basically trashed his living room whenever he lost or a driver passed him. you could say he turned into the devil himself whenever there was a competition involved.

"i'm done with this game." niall sighed dramatically and threw his controller onto the coffee table.

"again?" i chuckled and he rolled his eyes and put a hand on his forehead as a dramatic gesture.

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