Chapter 11: Surreal

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"My target is Angels triumpht! And that is (Y/n)!"

This shook Tokaku and was going to defend your honor but was immediately shut down when Chitaru started throwing a barrage of sword
Play her way."

"Its because of her that thousands are dead!"

"What do you know about (Y/n)?! " she asked as she heard a crack. She tsk seeing that the prop was falling apart on her.

"I will never forget the killer who specializes in posion!"


Chitaru finally breaks the fake sword. This makes Tokaku throw it to the side and pull out her hand blade. In a battle like this she might be at the disadvantage with a sword.

Tokakuc was keeping up rather well with Chitaru. Regardless of the situation at hand.

"Aren't you talking about Hitsugi?!"

"Huh?! She would never do such things like that!"

A figure came out from the bushes.

"No... She's telling the truth Chitaru. I am Angel's triumphant or Triumpht. I killed your teacher's daughter. The plan was for (Y/n) to be poisoned and literally die by Tokaku's hands like in the play.... But I guess Tokaku's to quick on her feet. Now come let us finish the play." She demanded as she walks back to the gymnasium.

Chitaru fell to her knees. How could she be so gullible like that? She would've killed the wrong person all because she fell in love with someone as sweet and innocent acting as Hitsugi.

Tokaku saw that the fight was over so she put her hand blade away and went back to check on (Y/n). She had lead (Y/n) back to the side stage to watch the finale of the play.

As the end of the play neared. Chitaru was in the dressing room rummaging through Hitsugi's things to find the poison. Low and behold in her teddy bear that she always carried around was a vile of dangerous posion. Chitaru teared up a little.

Hitsugi was by herself perform Juliet's fake death scene. As she was about to drink fake sleeping medicine. Chitaru appeared once more on stage. Everyone squealed once more. Tokaku and you watched with pity for the red head.


"Juliet... Our families will never let's us be together in life. So... Let us go out together that way we can always stay together Juliet." Chitaru said as she pulled out a real dagger.

Chitaru struggled to kill Hitsugi. She saw this and smiled. Hitsugi got closer to her ear and whispered to her. "If it's you I don't mind Chitaru. I love you."

She said as she took Chitaru's hand and stabbed herself. But the crowd didn't panic only the black class since they weren't oblivious to the real dagger and death. Nio comes out and informs Chitaru of Hitsugi's wish.

"Oh Romeo! Juliet's wish was that when everything was over that you and her would leave this kingdom together!" Nio informed Chitaru who now broke down crying. She caressed Hitsugi's face before downing the vile of Hitsugi's poison and died by her lover.

The curtains close and everyone in the seats applauded.

"Wow that ending was very touching!"

"I thought they died for real hehe!"

Were what some of the audience memebers saying as they left.

You had hid you face into Tokaku's chest to avoid seeing such a sad turn of events. All she could do to comfort you was whisper sweet nothings and stroke your hair. The rest of the black class crowed the bodies and the day ended on a tragic note.

That night you layed there with Tokaku. Dried tears on your face as you clutched the bear on the bed. Tokaku watched as you had cried yourself to sleep. She smiled at you thinking how sympathetic you are towards people.

'(Y/n).... I wouldn't lie to you but if you were to try and kill me... I wouldn't mind either. As long as it's by your hands my sweet little sheep. So soft to the touch. A wool so beautiful that people are trying to take it. But lovely (Y/n) I'll be your protective wolf in hiding. Killing any that so much as touches that beautiful wool on you.' She thought happily as she kisses you on the forehead before falling into slumber.

Hitsuji and Chitaru's ending

King here! In the anime, Tokaku wasn't playing the part of Romeo was because she was a terrible actor. So I wrote a little snip it for yall to enjoy ^_^!

"O Romeo! Romeo! Wherefore out thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name-" you started as you recited the monologue.
It was now Tokaku's part. As she leaned on the stage railing she looked very charming and seducing. She smirked at you as she leans towards you. You blush as you looked in her direction.

"Shall I hear more, or shall I speak of this?" She recites as a autonomous robot. You cover your mouth as you begin laughing.

"TOKAKU!!!! This is the 3rd time we had to stop and correct you on your tone!" Shiena began and scolded Tokaku on her lines.

"That's it, your out. We'll have to switch you out for Chitaru."

"....WHAT?!" Tokaku said angerly.

"Don't worry it's just a play." Chitaru said as she neared you for the part. This snapped a cord, you saw this and sighed.

"I.. don't feel like playing the part of Juliet anymore ... I can play either as Tybalt or someone else." You said as Tokaku calmed down and relaxed.

That's how you and Tokaku ended up in the roles as Tybalt and Mercutio.

The Sheep and her Wolfhound. (FemReaderxTokakuAzumaYandere)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat