Side Chapter 4: Night out

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It's been about week since the incident with Isuke and Banba. You and Tokaku had healed from the bruises and scratches from the horrific night. Your sprain had somewhat healed but Tokaku informed you not to run on it or it'll swell again.

Today was a hot and boring day, no matter what you did. Time seemed to slow down as you checked it. You sigh annoyed as you flipped through the channels on the t.v. Tokaku looked up from her book and chuckled at your adorable behaviour.

"Tokaku can't we do something today? Like go out on date again or you know something to pass the time?" You whined to your lover. Tokaku thought about it and got up from her spot of the couch and neared you.

"What if we go to a karaoke tonight?"
Tokaku suggested as she leaned her head on your shoulders.

"Hmm that's not a bad idea, why at night though?"

"Well the nearest one is by the school and from what I heard about it is that it's much better night. Or at least that's what the teachers have spewed on their coffee breaks. They said something along the lines of a 'happy hour' at night." Tokaku explains as she gets up and makes a reservation for the both of you.

Both of you being completely oblivious to the fact that 'Happy Hour' is a time when a bar serves their drinks at a reduced price. Ignoring that fact you now were pumped for tonight. You just love listening to music and singing isn't a problem. Besides it'll be hilarious to see how Tokaku sings.

Time Skip•

You were dressed in your favorite attire for the evening. Tokaku led you through the somewhat crowded area of Shibuya. She kept a firm grip as she would glare at anyone who dared look or near themselves towards you.

She wasn't completely aware of the locals information. Which meant she didn't know that walking into the red light district is a forbidden area for high schoolers. The red light district was more for old and tired adults who came to drink and party after a hard days of work.

Tokaku noticed that the area the GPS was taking y'all seemed peculiar. She dragged you into a dimly lit alley way. You were to excited and thinking of the songs you were going to sing you didn't really pay attention to your surroundings.

Tokaku had stopped the both of you by a vending machine to get you and her a quick beverage. Tokaku let go of your hand so she can rummage through her wallet for some change.

 Tokaku let go of your hand so she can rummage through her wallet for some change

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You leaned against the brick wall as you happily eyed Tokaku. She could practically feel the happy aura emintating from you. She smiled slightly as she bought you both a soda. You both leaned on the wall, you were so happy with being able to go out again that you just smiled and giggled.

The Sheep and her Wolfhound. (FemReaderxTokakuAzumaYandere)Where stories live. Discover now