Chapter 5: Scissors

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After you both finished eating breakfast, you and Tokaku attended classes. Eventually class ended and Tokaku informed you that she'd be waiting outside the class for you to finish packing.

Otoya took this opportunity and approached you with a smile.
"Ne ne (Y/n)! Can I have a moment with you? I need someone to talk with."

"Sure! Let me just tell Tokaku-"

"NO! I mean no she can't come with us... I wanted to speak about a private matter with you."

"I see... Well if it's for a few minutes sure."

"Great follow me!" Otoya finished cheerfully and locked arms with you.
Without alerting Tokaku she sneaked you past her and led you to the back court yard that was near the Botanical garden.

She sat you down on a bench and sat beside you. She hid something behind her but you weren't going to pry. Otoya starts getting ready to talk with you but pauses and blushes slightly.

"(Y/n) I brought you out here because... I wanted to tell you the truth. I'm an assassin and I was sent here to kill you but.... after getting to know you real well, I've decided to join Tokaku and help protect you from our other classmates!" She said with determination in her eyes. You looked at her with wide eyes and mouth a gaped. "Oh my God Otoya! This is fantastic! I was planning on doing this with our other classmates so no one had to die. Thank you Otoya!" You said happily as you hugged her, she returns it and gently pushes you away after a short while.

"Another thing I'd like to talk to you about. I know you've received a warning letter yesterday." She stated  saddly as she looked at you.

"It's Shiena, since she's my roommate I saw her cut up some magazines and prepare it for you. But I swear to you!" She pledges as she holds both your hands. "I will protect you no matter what! Even if it has to be my roommate I'll do my best to help you. Oh! Here I picked these for you." She explained as she turns around and takes the item behind her out. It was a bouquet of beautiful yellow flowers.

"Aren't they just cute! Here take a look at them!" She said excitedly as she proceeds to harshly shove the flowers into your face. You tried to pull hers hands away from you but she uses her other hand to push the back of your closer to the petals. After a few short seconds you pass out.

"Ehehehe~♡ look at how cute you look! Very soon you'll be all mine to the making! You and I are going to have so much fun when you wake up! Man, I can't believe these types of flowers grow here. I should probably inform our sensai about these problematic flowers. Right (Y/n)? Hehehehe." She sadistically said aloud. She picked you up and wandered off for the next part of her plan.

Back outside the classroom•

Tokaku was still writing a memo of events to keep track of the day and you.

'Nothing's happened yet, (Y/n) still looks adorable as ever. I still at times can't comprehend why she makes me feel this way... does she feel the same way?'

Tokaku blushes slightly at the thought, you never really answered to her confession. She certainly hope's you do, if you didn't you definitely come around to doing so... even if Tokaku had to make you realize it.

'Regardless, no letter has been delivered...' she pauses her typing.
"Has (Y/n) received a letter?"
She immediately gets a gut wrenching feeling to the idea of you hiding it from her. She goes to check if your still in the classroom. Her eyes widen to see your gone, she goes to investigate your desk. 'Dammit just as I thought, why did she hide it from me!?'

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