Chapter 20: Queen Bee

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Sumireko came around the both of you and sat down at the large table. She sat at the very beginning as the table was covered with tea cups and sweets. "Come sit down (Y/n)."

You reluctantly sat down, looked at all of your old classmates and gasped in horror in realization. The lifeless expression on all of them was because they are puppets. Well all except Otoya she's still bound by a straight jacket. The puppets shakingly picked up the tea cups and put it to their mouths. The liquid spills between their wooden mouth.

"Hmm delicious..."

"How fragrant..."

"Thank you for the tea Hanabusa..."

You cringe at how these puppets speak in a robotic tone. They sound like your old peers but they're just not the same. Tokaku glared at Sumireko ignoring the puppets she's sitting near by.

"Hanabusa today's the last day for any type of assassination attempts. I want their to be no bloodshed. Tell me your wish and I'll do whatever I can to help make it come true." You said confidently with a serious face while Tokaku looked at you bewildered since this is the first times she's seen you like this.

"My wish? My wish is to determine whose the stronger queen." She said while smirking directly at you. You frown at the mention of the word queen.

"Tokaku riddle me this. What's similar between a rabbit and a worker bee?" Hanabusa asked while keeping her consistent stare on you. Tokaku seemed confused by the out of place question.


"Well it wouldn't be much of a riddle if I told you the answer. Why don't you ask (Y/n)?" Hanabusa responded happily as she stood up from her seat.
Tokaku got up as well since she wasn't liking the atmosphere in the room. "You see (Y/n), I'm just like you. I was always tried as a child. Many people wanted me dead. At one point one person damaged me so badly that I needed to be 'worked' on. They damaged my arms and legs." Hanabusa told as she held a warning letter in her hand.

"Now let us begin."

Hanabusa snapped her fingers and all the puppets risen as if they were living beings. She also threw her dress off, she wore some peculiar body suit.
Tokaku shoot one of the puppets square in the face making it stop charging at y'all.

"I'm not a heartless queen, so here." She said as she clicked a remote in her hand. The walls on your side were being lifted up to reveal a hidden wall aligned with all kinds of weapons. Tokaku ran towards one and picked up a gun. She then proceed to tell you to back up. Without her realizing, Hanabusa slowly trotted towards you.

"You know, I just wanted it to be the two of us (Y/n). But with this we could still be alone." She explains as she clicks another button. A large and thick glass wall was closing the room between you and Tokaku. Hearing the sound of the table breaking Tokaku finished off the rest of the puppets and grabbed a rope from the wall. She swung it towards Hanabusa's legs and relied her to her side of the glass wall.

As soon as Hanabusa was dragged to the other side of the glass wall. It closed off completely. So now you were by yourself and on the other side was Tokaku,Otoya(still tied up) and Hanabusa.

Hanabusa sighs and gets up off the floor. "This is fine I guess, this allows me to kill the worker bee." Tokaku not listening to her words fires a barrage of bullets towards Hanabusa. All Hanabusa did was raise her arms up and the bullets bounced right off. You and Tokaku looked confused by this new predicament. Hanabusa giggles and swings a punch at Tokaku. She blocked it but the force was so strong it knocked her back a few meters.

 She blocked it but the force was so strong it knocked her back a few meters

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