Chapter 5: Home?

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A/n: Hello I have out for a couple of weeks don't take me seriously when I say I am back okay. Now let get out with continue and that is Alice Quinn.
Edited January 1, 20222 at 2:30 am


Reji's Pov

The bell rang and everyone hurried out of school. I just walked out calmly to the limousine that was waiting for me in the front of the school. I then notice a familiar figure to my left. It was Y/n she was wearing her headphones and walking out the ahead of me.

I slowly walked up behind her and then tapped her on her shoulder. She then turned around and saw that it was me and lowered down her music and took one earbud off.

"What is up Reji-senpai," She said while taking out her earphones completely and looking me. She was more like analyzing me.

"Nothing I was wondering if you had a ride?" I asked and I then realized what I had said. I do not know why I am so interested in this human girl. Is it her attitude? the way she carries herself? The way she acts is it all for show? I do not know what going on with me but like I have said before Y/n is like a mystery a puzzle of some sort.

"No, but thanks though I live walking distance from this school," She said politely declining my offer.

"Then let me walk you home," I said and she looked like she was in thought once I finished saying my sentence.


Y/n's Pov

'Should I take the offer of him walking me home? Is going to be a lot safer but, I have a hunch he isn't human.' You thought to yourself and you turned to look at him and then went back to thinking.

'If he walks me home he will know where I live. Not only where I live but if he does turn out to be a "vampire" like Alice have said, but all I have to do is stab him in the hear a silver blade.' You thought once again.

"Maybe I will reconsider it some other time. Is not like I don't like you or anything is that we just met all I know you can be a stalker of all I know maybe when we get to know each other better," You finished your sentence and he was shocked a little shocked. Trust me a hot guy in school loved by millions of female students that would kill for their senpai. Thank you, next.

"Then maybe another time, if you will excuse me my ride is here see you tomorrow" He then bowed and you bowed slightly and he walks away from you. You sighed in relief and you put on your earbuds and walked home.

You also texted Mrs. Hudson to let her know that I will be headed home now. I walked out of the school gate and walked towards the cold night. You felt as if you were being watched but you ignoring it thinking it was all in your head but in reality, 6 pairs of eyes were on you the whole time.

You decided to take an alleyway to take a shortcut and make your trip a little easier leaving you for one more block instead of 3 to walk. You walked toward your apartment complex and before you could open the door you felt being watched again and thought that wasn't normal. Before you could open the door Mrs. Hudson beat you to it, she opened the door and looked at you.

"Welcome home, Y/n!," She while giving you a hug and then letting come into the apartment complex building.

"How was your first day?" She asked while closing the door shut and locking it.

"Hello to you as well, it was good made one friend found out the school might be invested with mosquitos and I have managed to make an enemy," You said in an unexciting tone.

"Well sound like you had an eventful first day," She then walked with you to your apartment complex wing and walked alongside you.

"Yeah it was kinda tiring but I have worked at 10:30 am tomorrow. How was sora?" You and asked and we stopped at the door.

"He was coughing violently again and he threw up some blood but I managed to stop the coughing and the bleeding he went back to sleep 30 minutes ago," She said to you as you unlocked the door of your apartment and walked in hanging your school jacket and some other things.

"Thanks again Mrs. Hudson I do not know where I will be without you," I said with a bowing thankfully.

"Is no problem I always wanted children of my own but my husband ended up in jail for a lifetime before we could have any?" She said truthfully and she smiled.

"Alright Y/n, I will head off to bed you too," She said and waved you off and you closed your door and locked it. You went to your and your brother's room and saw that he was asleep. You gave him a kiss on his forehead and changed into PJs.

Then you crawled into bed and went to sleep.

~Mean while at the Sakamaki household~

Knowones Pov.

It was like no other night for the brothers getting there sacrificial bride only just one day ago. Some of the brothers aren't themselves over some h/c girl blood. Some were enjoy feasting on this blonde girls blood from the church.

"I call in a family mandatory meeting" Reji Sakamaki the second oldest spoke as his half brothers and spineless real brother came in.

"Oi! Why are we doing this ore-sama want to be sleeping?" Ayato Sakamaki the firstborn of the triplets spoke annoyed. While he received and glare from the youngest Sakamaki brother Subaru.

"Oi! Stop calling you Ore-sama is annoying" Subaru said with hate and Ayato was about to speak when Reji cleared his throat.

"Most of you have heard the new girl from today?" Reji said calmly and everyone nodded.

"Fufufufufu~ Y/n is one of a kind and her blood make want to do dirty things to her" Laito Sakamaki the second oldest of the triplets spoke.

"Me and Teddy agree don't you think teddy" Kanato the youngest of the triplets spoke and whispering the last part to his teddy bear.

"I have a group project it consists of me, Y/n and Alice Quinn. I want you all to behave on Saturday don't make any distractions," Reji glared at the triplets.

"If you do there will be punishments" Reji finished his speak and everyone mood lighten up quickly.

"That means we can not drink of her and her friend Alice" Shu Sakamaki the firstborn of the family household and heir to the throne spoke and then yawn which Reji glare but agreed.

"Aw man I wanted to taste her blood," Ayato said while glaring at Shu.

"What about Bitch-chan?" Laito said to Reji.

"We must not let her know people are gonna come here Saturday. That means we have to put her unconscious or something" Reji said while thinking and the rest of them didn't want there blood bag telling Y/n and Alice their vampires and that they will have to live with them forcefully because or Yui Komori.

"We will think about this later that will be all," Reji said and dismissed everyone but he did not notice was that a certain female blonde was eavesdropping on them but not so long till Laito grabbed her waist and teleported her somewhere.

to be continued~

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