
MyTaeTae<3- Kook. Where are you? I know you're reading these so answer me.


MyTaeTae<3- Baby you're worrying me. Are you at home? I'm coming over


BabyBoy :)- I didn't mean to worry you. I got sick so I went home early. Sorry I didn't respond.

MyTaeTae<3- it's okay baby. I'm on my way with ice cream and chicken noodle soup. I'll be there in 10

BabyBoy :)- no you don't have to I'm okay really

MyTaeTae<3- my baby boy is sick there is no way I'm gonna let him be alone. I'll be there in 10


I knew there was no point in arguing, so I might as well try to make it look like I hadn't been crying.

He got there exactly 10 minutes after we talked. He had a variety of different ice creams and a load of chicken noodle soup.

"Hey baby. You feeling okay?" Taehyung asked the moment he walked through the door. I just hummed in reply.

I walked and sat on the couch, grimacing ever so slightly when my butt made contact with the couch. He poured the chicken noodle soup in two bowls and walked to join me on the couch. He handed me a bowl and sat down right next to me with his bowl. We sat in silence, him eating his soup, me just moving mine around in the bowl.

"What's wrong, baby?" Taehyung asked after realizing I wasn't eating. He placed his empty bowl on the floor.

"'m not hungry," I mumbled, placing my still full bowl next to his empty one on the floor. I was sitting in the middle of the couch and he was sitting by the arm of the couch. He reached over and pulled me so I was sitting on his lap. I yelped when my butt hit his lap and jumped up, hurting my back from standing, causing me to collapse to the floor.

"Baby what's wrong? Why does your back and butt hurt so much? There is nothing that I can think of other than... Oh" he said, trailing off, realizing the only common thing that causes that pain is sex.

"Who was it? Who fucked you?" Taehyung said, his eyes becoming glossy and him standing up looking at me. His face was emotionless other than the tears in his eyes.

"WHO FUCKED YOU, JUNGKOOK?" he yelled. I looked down at the ground.

"Was I not enough? Did you go get some other guy to fuck you because I was waiting for it to be more than a few days into our relationship to fuck you? I wanted to, Jungkook. I wanted you, but I was waiting to make sure you were ready. Apparently that doesn't matter though. You got someone else that probably fucks you better than I ever could. Goodbye, Jungkook," he said, his voice breaking halfway through the last sentence.

My head shot up. I tried to stand up to stop him but I just fell back down.

"No. Taehyung please don't leave me. It-It wasn't-" I started to explain. I realized that explaining wouldn't make it better. He would leave me anyways once he found out the truth.

"It wasn't what, Jungkook. You're trying to tell me you weren't fucked by someone other than your boyfriend while you were in a relationship?" he asked, all hope and softness I had heard from him gone.

"I can't say that I wasn't fucked by someone else, because I was, okay? But you should know the whole fucking story before you assume I cheated on you, okay? Because there is a story. You just clearly don't want to listen to your boyfriend, okay? So leave. Just leave because if you don't trust me enough to believe I would never cheat on you, then this relationship clearly isn't going to work out," I yelled. Taehyung's words sent him over the edge with adrenaline. Due to the adrenaline coursing through his veins, he ran up the stairs and slammed his door shut, leaving a mind boggled Taehyung standing by his front door.


I was so confused with what my boyfriend said.

He was fucked by someone other than me, but what does he mean he didn't cheat on me. It doesn't make sense, I thought as I walked away from the front door and back to Jungkook's couch. I sat there for probably 30 minutes trying to figure out what my boyfriend meant. But then something clicked in my mind. I gasped, eyes already brimming with tears as I ran up the stairs towards my boyfriend's room.

Hey Author Speaking!

Word Count: 2088

I'm sorry guys. I'm working on the next chapter I promise I'll have it out soon. I have about 2 hours to write tonight so hopefully I can finish it fast. I think the book probably has about 3-4 chapters left. It makes me sad to end this book but I think I'm ready for a change. Love you all!

-Amy :)<3

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