Chap 10: Thor To The Rescue

Start from the beginning

Strange looks at me expectantly an eyebrow raised.

"Thor said he'll take me with him!" I blurt out before he can say anything.

Dr. Strange's eyes narrow and he addresses Thor, his tone severe, "She is reckless, unpredictable and dangerous. Are you sure you want that kind of responsibility?"

"I've already managed one murderous psycho, what's one more?" Thor jokes good-naturedly.

"Hey!" Loki retorts looking deeply offended.

But Strange just glares at Thor, until Thor adds solemnly, "She is no burden, I assure you, I will look out for her."

"See that you do." Dr Strange commands his face firm. "She's quite a handful."

"Perhaps Strange is right. We should leave the girl behind-" Loki begins but I cut him off, "I'll go pack." I quip as I dash off to my room before anyone can change their minds. I let out a squeal of excitement, everything is working out just like I hoped. Finally, I'm getting out of here! Since I'm already packed, I quickly grab my purse, my large black suitcase and grab the vial of vibranium and stuff it into my purse. I use magic to change out of my pajamas and into a comfortable grey and black checkered dress with a black belt cinching my narrow waist. Then I rush back announcing, "Okay! I'm ready to go!"

Dr. Strange watches me, seeming both disappointed and relieved, and instructs calmly, "I've removed the enchantment, you're free to go Loki." Then he warns, "But don't try stealing anything on your way out, or you won't have to worry about Death finding you, because I'll deliver you to her myself." He turns to Thor and gives him a weighty look. "Keep them both out of trouble and away from Earth."

Thor nods solemnly then puts his hand on Loki's shoulder protectively as Strange vanishes back through the portal. I pray that's the last time I see him, then feel a twinge of guilt. I know he's just trying to do what's right, but I'm so sick of him ordering me around as if he knows everything. Thor pulls me from my thoughts when he puts his free hand around my shoulder and squeezes gently.

"Time to go." He says decisively.

I smile, it's so nice to see him somewhat back to his normal self, happily leading the group. We leave the Sanctum and walk down the sidewalk, Loki and I on either side of Thor. I sigh to myself, my heart happy. Finally, I'm going to be part of a family. I tune out the sound of the honking and yelling outside, happy to be leaving New York City. I'll miss it a little, but I'm so excited to be starting over somewhere new. I feel like a huge weight is lifting off my shoulders and I can't wait to find out what our future holds. Together we walk two blocks before Thor pauses in front of a small parking lot. In the distance I see his small, bright orange and silver spaceship. Unfortunately, there is a crowd of over fifty people surrounding the ship, blocking the entrance.

"Oh my God it's Thor!" Someone squeals.

Every nearby head turns to look at us and people immediately stampede towards us. Several women scream with joy while others beg for selfies. One woman's voice screeches out, cutting through the pandemonium as she screams, "Thor will you marry me?"

Loki looks at the women pummeling towards us with a horrified expression of disgust and waves his hand, instantly teleporting the three of us onto the spaceship before we're overrun by fangirls.

"Well that's enough of that." He says dismissively.

"Yikes," I add sarcastically. "That was terrifying."

Loki half smiles, until Thor gloats with a smirk, "Yup, the people of Midgard just can't get enough of me."

Loki looks at him and scowls. And in response Thor throws his head back in a hoot of merry laughter.

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